Nurses Rock & Teeth
From Kate:
Getty’s recovery is continuing to move in a positive direction. Her morning x-ray showed far more clarity than in past x-rays. After Getty’s afternoon treatment she was tested off bi-pap. She did an amazing job and was able to hold her sats for about three minutes. We are so proud of her progress and we know that with time, Getty will just continue to get better.
When Getty’s symptoms were first present was last Friday. Her secretions were thicker and I chalked that up to teething. Now I know what teething looks like. The effects of teething is massive amounts of watery secretions. All day today Getty’s mouth has been a reservoir. What a good lesson to learn, so when there is a next time I will be able to act quicker if Getty is getting sick and take preventative measures at home to knock out the mucus in her lungs.
Getty’s teeth have historically not been the most motivated to emerge. It seems as though her two front teeth have been swollen for the past few months causing a lot of discomfort. But guess what we saw today??????? Those two front teeth have almost emerged along with a bottom tooth. They are ALL so cute and Getty is starting to become a little lady right in front of our eyes.
We have had the pleasure of working with the PICU nurses for the past week. Most of them also provided care for Getty back in November when she got her g-tube & Nissen surgery. They are ALL amazing individuals who clearly have a passion for children and a love of their craft. Mark and I have been so impressed by their love for Getty and their thoroughness of care. Their shifts end up being long enough to assist us with three of Getty’s treatments and it has been a pleasure working with each and every one of them. We were joking tonight about how when a nurse tells us they will be leaving for the day or night Mark and I get sad because it is like a friend leaving. And then when they say they will see Getty and us the next day we get all giddy to know that they will bring even more happiness to our little girl. We enjoy getting to know them and to share stories about parenting and just life in general. They work so hard and take on so many responsibilities that I would assume at the end of a workday they are all very exhausted. But you wouldn’t know it by their professionalism and passion to care for kids. I am bias because I know they just adore Getty. I love listening to them talk to her and when she responds with a sweet coo, it is like putting her seal of approval on a nurse. It is so cute.
So tomorrow is another day. Getty’s oxygen levels are becoming a lot more stable than in days past. They will continue to ween her off oxygen and will try again to see how long she can go without bi-pap. No idea and no hurry on discharge.
Happy 4th of July to everyone. If you participate, could you light a firework for Getty? Thank you.