Getty Owl's Blog
Getty's Blog Getty's Blog

SPCA Intermission

From Kate:

We are taking a one day SMA Art Auction break until tomorrow to a) rest and b) update on Getty’s BIG day at the SPCA today.

Getty got the VIP treatment today at the SPCA. Anna thank you so much for being so generous with your time and your access to show Getty all kinds of animals. Getty got to meet some rabbits, some very snuggly kitties, and few puppies personally. Getty pet them each and they in turn gave her some sniffs and some licks on the hand.

Getty was in good spirits for most of the visit. She loves to be pushed in her stroller to the point that if you stop it….well she doesn’t like it. 🙂 So to remedy that we were literally able to walk through all the kennels with all of the animals being put up for adoption.

She seemed to enjoy the kittens perhaps more than the others. There was one kitten named Richie Tenenbaum that she really took a liking to. I am currently working on Mark now to see if Richie can come home to be with Getty permanently. Fingers crossed. He was such a gentle boy that just seemed to be okay with where he was at and in the company of Getty. They seemed to hit it off from the beginning.

Angie took lots of pictures of Getty’s big day. Here are a few very special ones.

We had just gotten out of the van and strolling onto the SPCA grounds, when mama stopped momentarily. Getty was not happy with me, she wanted us to stop stalling and get moving.  She had animals to see. 🙂

A BIG black bunny was Getty’s first friend. He was so soft and we helped her stroke his velvet ears.

Her next friend was a white and brindle bunny. So soft and she was starting to warm up to her environment and really enjoy what she was experiencing.

And then something very cute started to happen. We could tell that she was starting to anticipate the next animal. It seemed as though she was starting to “get” that once one animal would spend time with her and leave, another one would reappear. So this picture was taken as we were waiting for the next friend to join her. It was so much fun to watch her get ready to say hello. This next friend, Richie Tenenbaum certainly had her attention and heart-strings.

Aren’t they just a pair. At one point Richie laid his head down on Anna’s arm and just looked at Getty. Such a sweet experience.

After Richie left, daddy stepped in to give Getty a few intermission kisses. 🙂

Getty got to meet a puppy friend as well.

And she got to meet some bigger kitties, and they took a liking to her as well.

All in all we had a terrific time. Too be honest getting out and and about is not easy for a couple of reasons. Timing is probably key. Time of day to do things is very structured for us and to be able to find the time that is conducive for others is very difficult, but so appreciated when we can make it work.

Secondly is that going out is really up to Getty. If she isn’t “feeling it” then we don’t do it. We were at the SPCA for a good two hours and she certainly was not telling us she wanted to go. She was having a great time meeting new friends, looking at everything around her and listening to all of the sounds.

We really enjoyed the day and we hope we can go back sometime soon. Thank you to Anna and your staff. We had a great time.

Now someone tell Mark we need to adopt Richie, he isn’t listening to me. 🙂