Oh, just another BlaBla doll!
We couldn’t have just the girl BlaBla owl now could we? I introduce to you….
Leave a comment letting us know what a doll made after you would be named. Deadline to enter is March 26th at 11pm PST.
Thank you Jacqueline for this wonderful donation!
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A doll named after me would be called curly smiles. 🙂
I’d name it Princess Emma.
Poopsies since its my nickname
I would name my doll “Glimmer.”
Daffodil! It’s my favorite flower 🙂
Hmm… maybe SILLY!
OWLuLu and I would be a great horned owl.
A doll made after me would probably look like this one!! As far as a name…”no filter”. 🙂 Happy Birthday, Getty!!!
A doll named after me would probably be Sunny Sunflower.LOL
BooBoo or Punky
Yes, It’s Wink! Whoot Whoot! A doll named after me would probably be a “shoot shoot shootie” because I can’t ever put my camera down. Here’s hoping our Prudence gets his brother 😉
We LOVE their stuffed animals!
Love this one!
I would name it — Boo Boo — my son’s nick name.
Neeter or Donut
A doll named for my daughter would have to be called Diva 🙂
A doll named after me would have to be Bubbles for my bubbly personality!
My dad called me spider legs growing up so that would be this dolls name.
It would be named Rosie
Angel for sure
Lou is my nickname so we will go with that!
Monchichi, I always call the kids that 😉
Hmmm, I think mine would have to be named Bzzzz. No reason, I just like the sound 😉
A doll named after me would be named Logie Bear 🙂
A doll named after me would be Frankie since my name is Francesca!
“Shh Shh”
A doll after me would be Momma Bear 🙂
I want to name this cutie, Monkey. I have no idea why… 🙂
Happy Birthday beautiful girl!
My nickname growing up was McDoo and I’m still called that to this day. I’d name it McDoo for that reason!
Love this doll! A doll named after me would be called “Audacity”!
Random. Because I truly believe in Random Acts of Kindness. I teach it to my kids and the girls on the soccer team my husband coaches. Nothing makes you feel better than a Random Act of Kindness. : )
I would name it “Madz”, because we have some serious “Madness” going down in this house with our crazy crew.
My doll would be AXXIE-LYNN cuz I would give it to that beautiful girl!
Actually bla bla is fairly accurate 🙂
Hooting Hunter of course 🙂
I would name it Boo! because we LOVE peek a boo in our family!