Udderly Smooth Gift Set
Keep your skin smooth and silky with this amazing gift pack from Udderly Smoooth!
Included in this set:
Udderly Smooth Udder Cream – 4oz and 12oz
Foot Cream
Shea Butter Foot Cream
Hand and Body Lotion with Pump
Extra Pump for 12oz Udder Cream
Leave a comment letting us know, will you slather this all on yourself or share it with friends and family! Deadline to enter is March 26th at 11pm PST.
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def share! 🙂
I will use this anf share ot with my husband. Gotta get my skin ready for summer!
i will use this on my crazy dry skin.
I’d definitely share with BUG. Not to sure that Tony would be up for some “Udderly Smooth” slathering! HA!
Oh, definitely share!
Difinitely share with the family.
i would share with emily and chris, so they can be sMOOth too!
I will share it with my Husband and son. We love Udderly Smoooth.
My husband loves the stuff and he would need to share it with me.
I might share it with my lovely wife if she is niiiiccceee!
I will definitely share! Happy birthday little owl!
I would share this lotion with Ally, our family, and Ally’s nurses. The Frogg Togg would keep Ally cool this summer and spring.
Happy Birthday Getty and thanks for sharing your day by doing all of these drawing for everyone!
I would love this!!!
We love lotions and moisturizers of here in the Trumble house, well, all of us except daddy that is! LOL! Darn that sensitive skin!! ;*) Happy Birthday, Getty!
I would share with family.
Love Udderly Smooth products! I’d share them with my husband and boys and our nurses, too!
I’m a sharer!
I would share with coworkers as our jobs dry out our hands.
I would share it with my husband and my minis! My 2 1/2 loves lotion!!!
Aww! I used to use this on Emmy when she was a baby. We could have a Mom and Daughter Mani/Pedi Day!
I would be selfish and keep it for myself…okay maybe share with my daughter.
This would be a gift for my mother-in-law, She would love the name of the company and I can just hear her laugh about it now. She has the greatest laugh!!!
I would probably share! My skin is real sensitive, but I’d give it a try. 🙂
I would share with my daughter, who’s had severe eczema all her life and has to keep her skin moisturized and my husband, who has been working with chemicals at work that make his hands and knuckles crack and bleed. Most of my lotions all are too perfume-y so they burn when he puts them on.
i’d share with the fam!!
I would use with on Emma and I. She has a skin disorder and my hands stay so dry from washing them all the time.
Wow! Everyone wants this one. I have been looking for this since I used my sample from the race. I would share with my daughter, maybe!!! 🙂
Definitely enjoy this for myself!!
I would udderly love to rub down my girl with these
Goodies!! 😉
i would share with my daughter. She loves to use all my good stuff!
I’ll share this with my baby boy, Samuel.
I would share! My daughter has caratosis (sp?) and needs some good goo for her skin!
I GUESS I will share with my husband…
I’d share with my daughter. Maybe I’d let my husband give me a massage too!
I would share with both my daughter and mother.
My daughter has eczema, so I’d definitely share with her.
I would LOVE this! Perfect for my daughters sensitive skin 🙂 I might sneak a little for myself too haha
This would def be shared with my husband. He needs this stuff in a bad way for his skin. 🙂 Gabriel agrees and says Happy Birthday Getty!
We do a lot of handwashing in this house–and with that can come some overwashed, cracked hands. We would share!
Obviously I’d have to share! If I used all that stuff I’d be so smooth I’d slide off my couch!
OH! I need this badly. You should see the state of my feet. I would HORDE this!! 😉
This is my favorite lotion-y goodness!! I would love to use it all myself, but if I have to share it’ll be with my two year old because she’d probably be sneaky enough to catch me using it and want some. 😉
I will definatly share with friends and family.
I would share, but only with my sweetie Ari..okay maybe with the hubs too!
Definitely share! My kids are in everything I have!
I would share with my husband! He deserves a massage and this lotion would help him relax!