1 Week to go! More Cool Details and Oh My Goodness It’s Next Sunday!
From Kate:
You know when you have been looking forward to something for so long and then you come upon it and you think, “oh my goodness” it’s like next week. I am having one of those moments. No several, I’ll be honest.
Before I get to any new details, I want thank some people and companies that have just been so generous with either their time, hard work, monetary donations as well as in-kind donations, logistical help, you name it. I would like to thank our GOF board for all their hard work. Sunday will be the BIG day, but along the way we have all taken on responsibilities and I want to thank all 4 of you and 1 far, far away who has still made an impact. Thank you Stacey, Mark, Takoa, Sarita, and our temporary Aussie, Morgan. I would also like to thank our volunteers now who will be helping us in all kinds of ways on race day. You will be pulled in all kinds of directions, but I know you will all do a great job. It takes a village to accomplish an event like this, so many thanks to everyone involved.
This past Saturday we stuffed 1,000 goody bags. These goody bags will be going to all the registered runners/walkers. I want to thank the crew that came out to stuff so incredibly quickly. 1,000 bags is not an easy task and you guys did awesome. It was early in the morning and you were there ready to go. Thank you.
There are a couple really cool coupons inside the goody bags I think you should be aware of and save:
-Crocker Art Museum 2 for 1
-California Museum 2 for 1
-Joe’s Crab Shack will be putting on a fundraiser for us on March 7th. Keep the coupon when you go and 10% will go directly to Getty Owl Foundation.
It has been nice to have a year under our belt. Certain things that stressed the heck out of me last year, seem to be no big deal. I hope that means it will be even smoother this year. 🙂
Some cool additions this year include giveaways at our 1/4 mile kids run. Before the run we will be giving away family 4 pack tickets to:
Sacramento Children’s Museum
Sacramento Zoo
Fairytale Town
* All pre-registered kiddos for the 1/4 mile run will be entered, so since this email is coming out now, I have a total of 64 kiddlets who will be able to win any one of these cool prizes. I would like to thank each company for donating their tickets.
After the 1/4 mile races are over, each child will receive a really cool ribbon. Our way of telling you how awesome you are and to encourage you to run another race in the near future. Running is fun and if you can run with Dinger, how much better can it get. 🙂
This year, we are changing from cotton to tech shirts. Very excited about that indeed. I love running in tech and I hope you all like them as well. I want to keep the image a surprise, but I would like to thank you Honey Agency for the awesome design. I would like to thank Kellie from Capital Road Race Management and Julie from NorCal Ultras. I have learned so much from the two of you and I look forward to putting on another great event. Our 5am set up time is a killer, but it is well worth it.
I would like to thank all of the sponsors that have really stepped in to offer manpower, donations of all kinds, and support to the Getty Owl Foundation. For our second year, so many of you have stood by us and I cannot thank you enough.
Medals for all age group winners and awards for overall winners of both men and women will be awarded with special gifts. I was going to have this also be a secret, but why not, here are the medals. 🙂
Who will walk away with one of these beautiful ladies?
Our post-race festival will be terrific. Bigger and better than last year. Here is a list of vendor booths that will be there to support the Getty Owl Run/Walk. Click HERE! You will have a great time. Stay, hang out, eat, linger, meander, and enjoy the day.
We will have our Getty Owl Foundation booth out there front and center. Stop by to learn more about SMA. Pick up information cards. Spin our wheel for fun prizes and finally we are organized enough this year, that we will have shirts, sweatshirts, hats, bottles, etc. for sale. It may be too late to buy your GOF gear online to have it for the race, but we do have a shop online as well. Prices will be cheaper on race day. Stop by and pick up some Getty Owl gear to help us spread the word.
I peeked at the registration numbers tonight and we have increased since last year. My hope is to hit 1,000. If the trend continues my wish just in fact my come true. Can you imagine 1,000 people coming to participate, learning about Spinal Muscular Atrophy, and having a great day enjoying time with family and/or friends on a non-rainy day. Oh, I already looked, no rain. 🙂 I am getting goosebumps.
Today, prices for registration have gone up. 5k and 10k have gone up to $37 and the 1/4 mile kids race will remain $15. If you have not registered yet, click here to do so. You can also register the day of and still be timed, which is cool.
Before I forget remember you can pick up your registrations before and the day of the event. If you want to get them early stop by Fleet Feet in Roseville. Click here and scroll down for time and days.
It has not been easy to take a step back and just enjoy the moment, but I certainly will try on Sunday the 24th. I look forward to working together to put on a great race and overall day. I look forward to seeing some very special people in the crowd. Many SMA families will be there in support and I am so looking forward to giving and receiving hugs. This day would not be complete without having Miss Getty and her daddy there to celebrate the day. All of this is for you my dear. All of it. I love you.