Fun Odds and Ends!
From Kate:
We are trying to squeeze every ounce of summer we can before RSV season rears its ugly head, so I wanted to post all the fun things Getty has been doing and experiencing.
Chalk it Up was Labor Day weekend and we would like to thank Autumn for choosing to be our artist for the Getty Owl Foundation square. You did a terrific job and it was so nice to meet you!
A pirate’s life for Getty. We had a great time dressing up as pirates a couple of weeks ago. She loved the jewels and decorating her treasure chest full of coins and gold. She was no however too happy about the pirate patch. 🙂 That stayed on for about 2 seconds. Just enough time to take the picture.
Aunt Patti comes over once a week and Getty loves her visits. Patti reads to her, they chat and I think what Getty enjoys the most are her amazing massages and smoochies.
Getty and Daddy went out to dinner the other night. Elephant Bar was the destination. They had a great time together and the weather was perfect outside.
Getty took her first trip to a store last week. Her victory garden was in need of some fall flowers so we went to Lowe’s to find the perfect one’s to fill her garden. We strolled down isles. Getty enjoyed the lighting department, the fans, the paint section. We meandered through the cabinetry area and holiday section. It was so much fun to watch her eyes light up in amazement. This was the first time Getty had been in a store. It was a beautiful time to share with her. She did leave the store without paying for those flowers though. Oops. The first time in a store and she is already a shoplifter. 🙂
Getty loves playing music and she loves listening to music, but we learned not at the same time. She was rockin” and rollin’ on the triangle and then I made the mistake of incorporating one of her favorite soundtrack, The Sound of Music. My thought was that it would encourage her music playing, but it did the opposite. She stopped immediately to listen. So instead, we sang all the songs. The picture was taken a couple of seconds I after I asked her to “keep playing”. Um…..no.
We have a Tea Party Game for Getty. I found it this weekend and I was hoping she would like it. So thankful that she did. She loved spinning the teapot to see what part of the place setting she would be able to add to her side of the table. The idea is to get all of the items before the other person to win. Since it was just the two of us playing, she always got the chance to choose between 4 fruits, 4 desserts, 4 cups of tea, etc. We try very hard to make sure that Getty is in control of the decision making in her life and it is a joy to watch her choose with her eyes which one she wants. Needless to say she beat me fair and square. She chose sandwiches, dessert cakes, and cherries to eat. When the game was over, Getty even helped me clean up. We had a great time and perhaps we can make a tea date every week.