Memorial Day
From Mark:
We always honor SMA warriors: children, families, friends, and allies determined to fight spinal muscular atrophy, the #1 generic killer of young children. They soldier daily to provide a quality of life that would be impossible otherwise. Sadly, far too many SMA warriors fall and suffer years of potential life lost.
Today, we honor fallen soldiers who paid the ultimate sacrifice to defend our nation and help bring about a more perfect union. They pledged their lives, fortunes, and sacred honor to deliver liberty and prosperity to our land.
Through their loss, society as a whole gains. People advance themselves, their families, their careers, and the lives of others in peace thanks to the soldiers enabling it all.
In our world, Getty and other SMA families have their immediate medical and nutritional needs met through medical advances in clinical care as scientists toil for a viable SMA treatment or cure. We thank them for their work and sacrifices and the more fundamental work and sacrifices of the soldiers who created the environment in which these advances can occur.
We also pay special homage to Getty’s cousin Travis Woods, who paid the ultimate sacrifice in this cause. We love and miss Travis dearly and know he would be just as proud of Getty as we are of him. He is our special hero.
We remember. Thank you.
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