Bump, Set, Spike!
From Kate:
Last night Getty and I traveled to Rocklin with Miss Mady and Takoa to watch our beloved photographer, Morgan play volleyball for the Lady Warriors at William Jessop U. We had a great time, watching the girls warm-up and encourage each other.
Playing soccer my entire life, I got an incredible experience playing with teams and learned what it takes to work hard for your teammates. I couldn’t help but think what kind of an athlete Getty could be if she was on that court. I quickly stopped thinking about that because I started to get emotional. Once I get going, there is no stopping me, so I straightened up and focused on the game.
Right before the match started the girls met up and cheered. All of the sudden an extremely loud “GETTY” came from the group. I was instantly overcome by emotion. How incredibly sweet that was. Thank you lady warriors.
We enjoyed watching the game. I noticed that Getty was watching all the movement on the court, the waving net and there were times when I believe she was following the ball. I think more than anything the noise coming from the cheering crowd had her attention. I was a little worried about whether she would be okay and she seemed to settle in after Takoa made her the littlest cotton ball plugs for her little ears.
It was a good night. It was so nice to hold my little one while we watched the game. It was so nice to watch Miss Mady give Getty all kinds of love. It was nice to be in the company of a good friend.
On the way home Getty was all tucked into her car seat, cuddling Crunchy Lion. As we drove home the sky was black with only a few lights guiding our way. I turned the music off and just drove in complete silence except for the sweetest sounds coming from little Getty.
As a kid, we would travel to places at night in the car, I was always so comforted by the murmuring sound of the engine. My Mom would tuck me in to my seat and I would just watch out the window and just be in awe of the lights, the stars and the comforting sound of cars driving by. As I drove home last night I was wondering if she was enjoying the same things I did as a kid. Was she feeling comfort by the drive? I believe she may have, because as I pulled her out of the car when we got home, she was sound asleep. Goodnight little owl.
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This is such a great entry. How nice of the team to cheer for Getty. I bet the emotions were very hard to stop from rushing out. It would have been for me.