The Bracelets Are In!
From Kate:
We are very excited to announce that the official Team Getty bracelets are here!!! Our goal with these bracelets is to help raise awareness of SMA and Getty’s Story. We hope you wear them proudly and can offer a stranger asking, “Who is Getty?” you can respond with the same kind of passion we do about Getty and SMA and how we all need to join and fight this disease together.
Thank you so very much!
We are asking for donations of $3 for each bracelet. Go to paypal and indicate how many bracelets you would like and we will send them out to you asap.
Happy Holidays!
We thank you for following our journey and supporting the cause. We would not be where we are today without the generous outpouring of love, kindness, and support from so many wonderful people around the world!
Thank you to our families, friends, neighbors, the SMA community, our doctors and nurses, and all those who have contributed in any way to helping Getty Owl, raising awareness, and finding a cure for SMA.
Have a Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!
Peanut Update
From Kate:
During the first ultrasound appointment I remember being a bit apprehensive and also very excited about being pregnant. So many things to think about and to “plan”. The apprehensive part though had taken over when I laid on the bed for the nurse practitioner to do the first of many ultrasounds. We looked on as she found the blip on the screen. And at that moment she proclaimed, “well that is the cutest peanut I have ever seen.” What a sweet thing to say. From that moment on Getty had her first of many nicknames, peanut.
Well this peanut has grown into a beautiful little girl. Getty will be 9 months on Christmas day, she is 19 pounds and 28 inches. She is our little peanut, owl, chicken, lil missy, spaghetti, goose, and we couldn’t be more proud of what she has already accomplished in her life. Such a sweet-natured young lady that has simply moved mountains since she got here.
Watch Out Beethoven…..Here Comes Getty!
From Kate:
Mark and I had seen what great capabilities the ipad has for SMA kids. Since Getty’s muscles are weak, it was difficult for her to manipulate toys. We were growing worried that she may be getting bored or worse, we worried that she was not getting the cognitive stimulation she deserved. We knew we wanted to use some of the money in Getty’s Owl Fund to buy an ipad, so last night I got it. Wow this thing is amazing! We have already downloaded a couple of apps. Two that Getty really likes is the piano and the koi pond. I think at first the water in the koi pond scared her, but after she realized that she can touch the screen to hear the water sound, I think she got the hang of it.
So we videoed her playing the piano and it is so cool. I really wasn’t sure at her age if she understood that her fingers were the reason for playing the keys, but boy she figured it out QUICK. I believe we have a butting Beethoven on our hands. So without further ado……I give you Getty.