A Visit From Santa
From Kate:
We had a very special visitor a week ago. Santa came early just to see our Miss Getty. We were so excited that Getty was able to get this experience. We definitely were not going to risk her health and go the mall, so we were really at a loss of what to do. Then our constant angel Stacey arranged to have our own private Santa come. How awesome! Thank you Greg, I mean Santa for coming and for making our Christmas that much memorable. Getty was actually crying before he came, but the moment Santa held her, she seemed to be put at ease. Funny how Santa does that. 🙂
Along with Santa, we decided to get a tree to get into the holiday spirit. Mark and I have really never been that big on decorations, most years we would just put lights on the tree and let it be, however this year was different. We decided the tree would only have owl ornaments. Thank you Jill, Mike, Morgan, and John for giving us our first owls. They are perfect. And doesn’t it just seem fitting to only have owls. 🙂
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Absolutely precious…that pic…that girl….wow.
Dear Baby Getty,
We love your owl Christmas tree!! We also have an owl ornament on our Christmas tree to honor you!!
We love you very much,
Isabel and Claire
You guys should do an owl decoration drive! I would love to send you one.
Kate,Mark, Getty and Cooper,
Just a note to let you know your family is in our thoughts and prayers.
Getty is just the most DARLING. You have a great site. I told my daughter Brandi Kelly about it and she has been keeping up with Getty’s journey.
Let us know what we can do and any way we can help. The Fremont Park Fund raiser was great. Merry Christmas Love and Hugs Carol and Dale