Getty Has Made it to the FINALS of Baby Idol!!! Please Vote TODAY!
From Kate:
Fantastic, Getty is in the finals!
It comes down to two of the cutest babies in Sacramento and Getty is one of them. I am freaking out as her mommy! This is so incredibly AWESOME!
We can’t thank you all enough for voting for this entire week. You all have busy lives and still you took the time to vote for Getty. Thank you!!!!!!
Alright let’s bring this home and vote just ONE more time TODAY. Could you please give Getty the last vote she needs to become Sacramento’s Baby Idol? Thank you all, this is simply amazing!
*sidenote: I just voted and the old date (Thursday)is still there, but once you click on the button it is the final vote, I think they forgot to update the date.
SMA awareness in this community would just be priceless and so powerful!!! Help Getty make it!!!
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I have emailed everyone in my address book and asked them to vote too!
Keeping my fingers and toes crossed that Miss Getty wins!
We are here for you Beautiful Little Owl! Just sent mommy’s email off again to my friends who have been voting for you all week…..fingers crossed! Hoot ~ Hoot!!!! Go Getty……..Love ya!
Even though Getty IS the cutest, that is still fantastic news!!! Will spread the word!
Can’t believe they have to have a contest for what we already know!!! But happy to vote yet again for Ms. Getty. Go, Getty, go!
this is so cool – I know getty is gonna be the one!!!!
xoxo julia
Thank you all!!!! Hoot! Hoot!
I am so excited to see if she won (there is no question in my opinion)!
Holding our collective breaths until the news is out. Go Getty!