Let’s GETty Ready to Party!
by Stacey
Hello friends! Can I just tell you that I have been waiting to write this post for months and cannot believe that we have our feet firmly standing in the week of Getty’s Birthday?! We should all give out a big HOOT HOOT!
This Friday, the 25th, Getty will celebrate her 1st Birthday! First birthdays are very exciting for any family, but for Getty even more so. Sadly, because we are still in the midst of RSV season Getty cannot have a traditional birthday. So, what better than a virtual birthday party!!!
What does a virtual birthday party look like? Well, it’s full of fun and goodness of course. Who is invited to a virtual birthday party? EVERYONE! That is what makes virtual birthday parties so exciting! Here is how you can join the celebration.
Let’s start with the big one, make a birthday video for Getty! Break out your video cameras, web cams, anything you can make a video with and record away. This is the best way for Getty to see that you are at her party! Once your video is made, you must upload it to YouTube and title it “Happy First Birthday Getty” and tag it with “Happy Birthday Getty” to make it easy to find. Then, on Friday, when the video blog post goes up at 8am PST leave a comment linking to your video. Getty will then get a chance to watch all of you wishing her a Happy Birthday! What makes this even better…..there is a giveaway for all who enter! Everyone who submits a video will be entered to win a Flip MinoHD 8GB Pocket Camcorder with case. This prize is valued over $150 and is yours for the taking. Here is an example of a video that Leyton and I made today!
[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZQisjJ81x4I&hl=en&fs=1]
There is no length requirement for your video and you can make it as fancy or as simple as you like. The winner will be selected using random number generator and announced on Saturday morning.
The next piece of exciting news is that the “Lullabies for Getty – Sweetwater Child” album by Angela and Alex Dezen of The Damnwells will be releasing on Friday and available for purchase! There will be information on how to buy on Friday as well as another giveaway for a $100 iTunes gift card!
Finally, we have 10 more prizes to giveaway throughout the day! Items have been generously donated by some wonderfully crafty people. All it will require of you is a comment!
So, make sure you get back here at 8am PST on Friday for our first party post and stay tuned all day as we party hardy with Getty!
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Happy pre-birthday Getty, I’ll always remember your day as you share it with my son. He’s lots older than you, and while you have beautiful blue eyes, his are beautiful brown ones. Hope you party hearty.
[…] big day. We are equally so excited to see the birthday videos. Thank you Stacey for your awesome idea, and thank you for having Leyton set the bar so high with his tambourine […]