Getty Owl Foundation Website, Going Live Tuesday!
From Kate & Mark:
We are proud to announce the official Getty Owl Foundation website will be going live this Tuesday, September 20. We are so very excited to show you what we have created.
With the help of our friendly bees at Honey Agency, we have created a website with some really good content. We would also like to thank Sam Bonsett at Bonstar HTS for hosting our website. We would also like to thank our GOF Board for being the glue that keeps our foundation together. Or another metaphor that would work is you are the ores to our canoe. 🙂 We thank you all for your time and support.
So let me tell you all about it.
We wanted to create a simple design that was easy to navigate. Our hope is that it is user-friendly and everyone can find their way through with little confusion.
There is information about our family, about little Miss Getty, who is not so little anymore, almost 18 months :), and our mission as a foundation.
We have a section carved out just for SMA education. We provide some tools for visitors to learn about the #1 genetic killer of young children.
There have been some common questions that have come up since Getty’s diagnosis, so we grouped them into a section of FAQs; we hope you find that helpful. We have information on carrier testing, supportive information for the newly diagnosed, and an SMA Library to provide our visitors with some deeper knowledge of SMA.
We created an events section so people who would like to participate can be informed on how to raise SMA awareness and help us accelerate SMA research. We also show past events to give people examples of the kinds of things the foundation has done to fight SMA.
There is a place for you to shop, read articles, view pictures, participate, sign up for our Getty Owl Run/Walk coming in February, and read the Getty Owl blog.
Of course, our blog is NOT going anywhere … are you kidding? 🙂 I (Kate) would go crazy if that went away. The Getty Owl blog will be housed on the foundation website. You can still read and comment about our journey. If you have subscribed to the blog in past, you will still get those updates.
We would love your feedback. So after Tuesday, perhaps you can come back to this blog post and let us know what you think.
We like to think of the website as a living document, so it will always be updated and tweaked as we move along.
Please join us for the official website launch on Tuesday, September 20!
We thank you all in advance for your support. We certainly wouldn’t be in this position if we didn’t know that people were reading, listening, and participating. We are only one family, but this family is focused and passionate to end this horrible disease for not only Getty but for all children that have been diagnosed and will continue to be without a cure. Our mission is clear and our momentum is building.
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