On Your Mark, Get Set, Go Getty Owl Run/Walk!
From Kate:
After the first of the year, we will really be pushing our upcoming event, Getty Owl Run/Walk. But for now I wanted to explain why we decided on doing this in the first place and what we would like to get out of it. After which my hope is that you believe this is an event that you and your family would like to participate in, and hence helping Getty Owl Foundation continue the work we are doing to help spread SMA awareness, helping families affected by SMA, and even more importantly, helping fund some amazing research right now that has the potential to turn this disease around.
First things first, I love to run. Running helps clear my brain, helps me figure out next steps in what would seem an impossible task. But sure enough by the end of a run I have a plan in place. Before running I used to walk. Walk to school, walk to the store, walk to the bookstore, walk, walk, walk. And the amount of walking I did, I had a plan to end poverty, create peace in my community, etc. It is amazing what a little exertion of muscle can do for the brain and the heart.
Having said that, Takoa and I were sitting in a Starbucks last December and we were brainstorming on what we can do for our community as well as help spread SMA awareness. So a run/walk race kind of floated to the top rather quickly. Since both of us are runners it seemed only natural that we stick to what we are good at. Having said that, we went to the natural next step, ” but there are so many races in Sacramento, how do we make this run distinct enough for people to come, enjoy themselves and really make a commitment to participate”? Our solution was give the community incentives for participating.
We first decided on working with the best of the best. Capital Road Race Management is a class act. We knew that our event would be well organized, we knew that their commitment to our community was respected and sought after. Every year they help manage, Run To Feed the Hungry that registers tens of thousands of elite runners, families, first time runners/walkers and everywhere in between. I was absolutely humbled by their willingness to partner with Getty Owl Foundation to make this first time event a huge success and ultimately make it an annual race in Sacramento.
So next step was to find businesses that were willing to come aboard and help support our cause. I can’t tell you how amazing it feels to have such an incredible group of companies that believe in our cause and are willing to put their name behind our fight against SMA. So far this is the list of awesome companies that have committed with support. Incredibly enough, the list will just continue to grow. I am still pinching myself, this is such a blessing.
So now is the big next step, how do we get people to register?
One of my absolute favorite movies is Field of Dreams. It started with a crush with Costner and then as I grew up the symbolism of the storyline just seemed to keep resonating with me.
If Mark and I just live as an isolated family with a beautiful daughter that happens to have SMA, we would live an incredible life. But for us this disease is bigger than us, this cause is bigger than us and it never felt right to live in isolation, when we knew there was an opportunity to let our community know that this SMA diagnosis does not discriminate. We felt like we would be doing such a disservice if we remained quiet.
So in keeping with the theme of the movie, the common phrase people often hear is, “if you build it they will come”. We have created an event for any age, any gender and any ability to participate. We have chosen a time of the year for those who have their new year’s resolution is to get in shape. February is a perfect time to make healthy decisions in life. The Getty Owl Run/Walk is the last race before the annual Shamrock Half-Marathon, for those that need one more long run in before March. The route itself is a breathtaking route down the Sacramento Waterfront. We have created a wonderful post-race family festival that includes activities for kids as well as adults. Food, vendors, giveaways, music, crafts are just a few of the awesome aspects of the festival. And in the process what you as a participate will be doing is helping us, Getty Owl Foundation continue our mission and reach our goals to fight SMA.
So on February 26, 2012 at Crocker Park we will hold the first of many Getty Owl Run/Walk. The 1/4 mile kids run will be escorted by both the Sacramento River Cats and California Family Fitness mascots. The 5k and 10k will be serenaded by several bands to keep you motivated en route. Lots of food and drinks will be awaiting your arrival at the finish line.
So the Getty Owl Run/Walk has been built with great care and detail. And now this is your chance to support and participate.
If you have ever wondered how you can help our cause, register and participate.
If you have ever wondered how you can help Mark, Getty or I continue to help find a cure for Getty and all of her SMA friends, register and participate.
If you have been reluctant to outreach to our family for whatever reason, here is your chance, register and participate.
Tell your friends and family that the last Sunday in February can make all the difference for not only our family, but for thousands of families both with SMA children and for families that will have SMA children in the future, since there is no cure ……….yet.
If you would like to learn more about the Getty Owl Run/Walk go here.
If you would like to register for the Getty Owl Run/Walk go here.
If you want to follow on facebook for updates on the Getty Owl Run/Walk go here.
On behalf of our family and the Getty Owl Foundation, thank you! We hope to see you there and we hope you have a great time.
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And I just registered. Have I mentioned I’ve never run a 5k in my life?
You are going to do great. Thank you so much for the support.