Can’t Hold Back, So Much Going on in the Next Month in a Half. Can’t Restrain!
From Kate:
Before I start on all the fun Getty Owl Foundation events, Mark will be blogging about our awesome trip to the San Fransisco Zoo and our 4th of July Spectacular in the next few days. So I wanted to sneak in some fun activities for everyone in the very near future. By the way, Getty loooooooves fireworks. 🙂
Okay so August is coming very soon. August is National SMA Awareness Month and we try and take every advantage we can to spread the word about SMA in our community and to anyone who is listening, really. 🙂
So I will go in timeline order:
Saturday, July 21st from 11-7pm under the freeway.
GOF will have a tent at Sacto Mofo. Have you been to one of their events? Holy cow you need to. Picture a whole bunch of gourmet food trucks. Literally a little bit of everything for your palette. Drinks, music and on the 21st, our GOF tent and handmade crafts.
2nd Annual Hoot the Grid
Saturday, August 11th from 7-9pm @ AJF Salon
We are so excited to put this event on again this year. Plans are pretty much ready to go. Here are the details for the night. I truly hope you can join us. We will be doing the SMA Awareness Walk before hand from 5-7pm and then from 7-9pm we will hold our SMA Art Auction. We thank AJF Salon again for their generosity of hosting this year once more.
Complementary food, beer and wine will be served. Live music and a silent auction will also be a part of the festivities. All the art was created by people, families, and friends affected by SMA. While this is a very emotional night, it is also a night where we celebrate the lives of so many gallant warriors and angels. We celebrate the fact that we will all fight to end SMA. SMA can affect anyone and this night is to make people aware that this is “our” fight as a community, not as a isolated population. So come on down and have a great time. As always it is open to the public.
SMA Awareness Night @ The River Cats
Saturday, August 25th
The River Cats have been so great to us. They are so generous to give us one night to celebrate SMA Awareness Month. Can you imagine having one night of a a captive audience to help educate people about SMA? I have goosebumps. Here are the details. I hope you can join us. You can buy tickets directly online, which is an easier option then we did last year. Let’s help pack that stadium and show support for The River Cats and SMA Awareness.
Tell 6!
Last year, while on my 5th cup of coffee I thought of Tell 5!. The idea was that I would send out a packet of 5 SMA Fact Cards along with 5 GOF bracelets to anyone that wanted to spread the word. It was a big hit. I mailed about 600 cards and bracelets. I got great feedback from people who received them. They told me really cool stories about their experiences of educating people about SMA.
So I am doing it again this year! And I am going to be very original and innovative and call it, Tell 6!. 🙂 So same idea as last year. I don’t care where you live, I will mail you out a package. All I ask is that you pass them out and educate 6 people. And double high five if you can get someone famous to educate. 🙂
So contact us and let’s spread some SMA education.
Lots going on and lots to do. We thank you in advance for your support. If you cannot attend any of our events, I only ask one thing of you. On August 11th at 8pm we light a candle for all of our SMA angels and warriors. If you can, we would greatly appreciate the effort and support to light a candle.
Thanks again.