Easter With A Side Of Bacon
From Kate:
The week of the 24th of March was pretty busy for Miss Getty. Her birthday was that Monday, Mark’s Birthday was Saturday, followed by Easter on Sunday. Grammy and Papa to come over for brunch.
Happy Birthday Daddy!
For Easter we kept things pretty low key, we already knew she was pretty pooped and so we did not want to push it. Grammy and Papa came over and we had brunch at the house.
We colored eggs and also dressed a few up from a really cute egg kit. Introducing Getty and King Egg.
She had a great time picking out what each egg was going to look like. Grammy brought a sweet basket full of fun things for Getty. I was not very festive this year, but I did find these glasses that I thought Getty might like. I think she thinks she is invisible if she wears glasses.
After opening all of her Easter gifts, we all ate brunch.
Side-note: When Mark and I were dating we often went out to dinner. One thing that I noticed about Mark’s choice of entrees ALWAYS included meat. In his opinion, breakfast, lunch and/or dinner did not count without a slice of meat. I never understood it. I still don’t. 🙂
Typically for special meals, we will give Getty a chance to try different fruits and vegetables. I get really nervous when it comes to giving Getty food. I obviously don’t want her to swallow the food, but I also get nervous because food increases secretions and so in between tastes, I suction like crazy. Having said that, the great thing about having Getty taste different foods helps to increase mouth and tongue movement.
So here we were all are sitting at the kitchen table eating brunch and I was choosing different fruits and vegetables for Getty to try. Getty was loving it. Cantaloupe, strawberries, and mangoes were all big hits. Then I heard a voice across the table. “Have her try a piece of bacon.” said my husband. I think I glared back at him as if to say, a) My daughter will not eat meat, b) There is grease on it, c) Getty won’t like it.
Well I was wrong. Getty LOVED bacon. Once she tasted the bacon, she did not want to go back to any of that silly fruit stuff. 🙂
In between bacon tastes, I suctioned. The grease was very scary for me, but we saw how much she enjoyed it, there was no way I could deny her of her genetic love of meat and in this case, bacon.
Easter was a beautiful day spent with family. The weather was perfect and so was the Bacon! 🙂
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