Turkey Is Done, Now SIgn Up For The 3rd Annual Getty Owl Run/Walk
From Kate:
We are ready to get this “show on the road”.
Announcing early registration of our
3rdAnnual Getty Owl Run/Walk.
Mark your calendars for Sunday, February 23, 2014 in Crocker Park, Downtown Sacramento.
It is coming, it is happening, and it is going to be even bigger and better than our last two years. We are so excited to bring our run back to the Sacramento area.
Our continued mission of spreading SMA Awareness, raising funds for families affected by SMA and to help fund research to help find a cure for SMA.
In the last two years, we have raised over $50,000 from our Getty Owl Run/Walk. The outpouring of support has been phenomenal to say the least. It is an absolute humbling experience to see a sea of people all there for a common cause. We are so excited to feel that support again.
In the months to come I will be posting about the run, just to keep the event in forefront of your mind. But for now here are a couple of items of info to check out.
Race Information
We would like to thank our sponsors that are already on board with their support of Getty Owl Foundation and our Run/Walk. You have been so unwavering in supporting our cause and we greatly appreciate your commitment.
We are currently looking for sponsors to support our 3rd Annual Getty Owl Run/Walk. If you know of a company that would be interested in being a part of an incredible event that not only supports Getty Owl Foundation, but also supports healthy living and eating, please check out our Sponsor Kit.
So here we go. On to another great event and one that supports the entire family. Thank you to everyone who have supported us in the past, we hope to see you this coming year as well. Hoot! Hoot!
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