We Couldn’t Do It Without You! Part 1
From Kate:
You know planning an event certainly doesn’t work without support. In my three part series called “We Couldn’t Do It Without You” I wanted to highlight and thank those companies and individuals that have really made both SMA Awareness Month and Hoot the Grid & SMA Art Auction what it will be this Saturday, which is AWESOME!
Getty Owl Foundation would like to thank Adam and his staff at AJF Salon for hosting our SMA Art Auction this August 13th from 7-9pm. We thank you for your support and for believing in our cause.
Thank you to our friends at Honey Agency who are some of the most creative honey bees we have every met. 🙂 We are so thankful for their time and energy to help us promote our foundation and events. And just wait till you see our new website they developed for us, simply amazing!
We would like to thank Justin Berenstein, GSM of Roseville Mitsubishi-KIA. Thank you for your generous donation to help make sure that all of our Team Getty warriors have great t-shirts to wear for our SMA Awareness Walk.
We would also like to thank Dave and Bob over at Capitol Digital Document Solutions who printed all of our promotional materials. And thanks to Anthony who drove over all of the materials to our house. That was very sweet of you. 🙂
I won’t lie, we have simply been blessed with support since Getty Owl Foundation began in March. It has been so wonderful meeting new people and explaining why we fight every day to end SMA. It feels as though they genuinely get it. I think the passion they feel for their own business in some ways allows them to relate to our fight. As I was soliciting for sponsorships and donations, I never got one person who didn’t at least want to hear our story and ask tons of questions about SMA. They could have still turned me down for a sponsorship, but everyone was very gracious and so respectful to the info I had to offer.
So without further ado, I want to thank the following companies for sponsoring our event, donating a silent auction item, donating beverages, donating food, donating their time, donating their services, and last but certainly not least, housing a sweet owl for our Owl Hunt. We cannot thank you enough. In a time when our economy is still shaky, I thank you for your trust and willingness to support a great cause.
Okay do you see what I mean? Amazing! We are simply humbled by ALL of the awesome companies supporting our events. Thank you all. We can’t wait for Saturday!!!!
And just in case you missed anything about “Hoot the Grid & SMA Art Auction” here you go!
HORRAY! Awesome! HOOT HOOT! Getty Owl Foundation YOU ROCK! SMA is going down!!!!!!!