Valentine’s Day Montage
From Kate:
Let me start by saying that Mark and I are children and products of the 80s. We enjoy music from that entire time period and we greatly appreciate TV shows from that decade.
Many TV shows and movies of that era embraced the montage. MacGyver wound up in an otherwise impossible situation but with the right music, he could accomplish anything. The Breakfast Club, Rocky, Goonies, you name it, most shows did it.
So tonight, I am embracing my 80s roots and I have made Getty her very own Valentine’s Day montage. I am not known for my movie making skills, but I did the best I could.
Valentine’s Day I am sure, means different things to different people. For us it means just another day that we get to embrace each other and snuggle with our Miss Getty. I remember someone telling me before I gave birth to Getty, “You will never know another love like the love you have for your child.” I couldn’t agree more. I see life with a new lens and I feel like I am living the life I always wanted to, as a mother.
So here is our gift to you, Miss Getty.
From Mark:
I just got off the phone with 107.9 The End and they announced that Getty won the Baby Idol Contest!
Thank you so much for all the love and support from her friends and family. She couldn’t have done it without you. We know people have very busy lives and we very much appreciate your taking time to vote daily.
Thank you also to Morgan Saunders and Hale Photography for taking the wonderful winning picture of Getty. That picture was taken a week after her SMA diagnosis. It was a very special photo session. We were full of worry at the time but now that photo will be a constant reminder of a happy moment. None of this would have happened without Morgan!
Thank you to Sacramento 107.9 The End and to School’s Financial Credit Union!
They were keeping the on-air conversation short and happy. Although I was not able to talk about SMA on the air, I do know that the Getty Owl blog got lots of extra traffic over the past few weeks based upon Baby Idol internet searches. SMA awareness has been raised!
Maybe The End will support their new Baby Idol in some of the future events we are planning. 🙂
We hope it doesn’t go to her head and turn her into a little diva.
Congratulations, Little Owl! We love you!
Happy Valentine’s Day!
If you didn’t vote FRIDAY, you can still vote this weekend! Baby Idol 107.9
From Mark:
If you didn’t get a chance to vote Getty on Friday for 107.9 Baby Idol, you can still vote this weekend through 6 pm Sunday (probably 6 pm Pacific Time USA).
Click here if you would like to vote.
Thank you so much!
Getty Has Made it to the FINALS of Baby Idol!!! Please Vote TODAY!
From Kate:
Fantastic, Getty is in the finals!
It comes down to two of the cutest babies in Sacramento and Getty is one of them. I am freaking out as her mommy! This is so incredibly AWESOME!
We can’t thank you all enough for voting for this entire week. You all have busy lives and still you took the time to vote for Getty. Thank you!!!!!!
Alright let’s bring this home and vote just ONE more time TODAY. Could you please give Getty the last vote she needs to become Sacramento’s Baby Idol? Thank you all, this is simply amazing!
*sidenote: I just voted and the old date (Thursday)is still there, but once you click on the button it is the final vote, I think they forgot to update the date.
SMA awareness in this community would just be priceless and so powerful!!! Help Getty make it!!!
Vote Getty Thursday- Baby Idol 107.9
From Kate:
Getty has advanced to THURSDAY in the Baby Idol finals on Sacramento 107.9 The End. She has made it to the Final Four!
This is so amazing and so very exciting. Please continue to vote for her and let’s get this little lady the crown and help raise SMA awareness! We would greatly appreciate it.