What an amazing weekend!
From Kate:
Mark, Getty, and I had a really busy weekend. It was an equally busy weekend for our entire Team Getty. The love and support of family and friends has made all of the difference for Mark and I. I know that all of you are so incredibly tired and I hope that you have been able to recover in these last few days.
So what happens when you put the smartest, most hardest working, compassionate, and might I add strong women into a room at San Juan High School? You get the most successful Rummage Sale in history!
Saturday was an amazing day. Team Getty has been planning this sale for the past two months. They organized all the donations, advertised to the community, feverishly baked, coordinated all the logistics and most importantly, gathered and empowered students to help out.
Eileen, Patti, Trina, Debbie, Robin, Shannon, Shelley, Angie, and Cindy thank you on behalf of my family. You all worked tirelessly to make sure that Saturday was a success. It was raining, it was early, and there was so much stuff that I thought how on earth will all of this be ready? But there you all were at 5am in the morning running around making sure that all the details were taken care of. People flowed in and out the doors all day. The mood was celebratory and spirits were high. Children were getting their faces painted, families were finding good deals, the beautiful sounds of an acoustic guitar was being played by one of our students, and the sense of community was present. It was an honor to be there.
Right before I left, I was stopped by one of our students. She looked at me with such intensity. She said, “thank you for letting me be a part of this day.” Thank me? I corrected her and said, “no sweetheart, thank you.” She gave me a hug and swiftly ran back into the cafeteria to continue helping. It was so sweet of her. I think perhaps she may have realized that it feels good to help others. What a great lesson to learn as a young adult. Team Getty, you helped her realize that. Yes you planned an awesome Rummage Sale for the benefit of our daughter, however at the same time you taught tons of kids what it takes to help others and those lessons will be everlasting. You have mentored them to see outside themselves and truly understand how amazing it feels to help and volunteer their time for a cause. I was touched by watching all of our kids assisting people in our community. I enjoyed watching them engage in conversation with adults, I loved watching them help older individuals that needed assistance, my heart was warm when I saw our kids actively explaining what SMA was. Life long lessons that our kids will have forever, thank you all for letting them be a part of Saturday.
So successful it was. The total raised was approximately $3ooo. Awesome! Awesome! This will go into the Getty Owl Fund and used for upcoming medical costs. Every dollar raised is giving Mark and I peace of mind that when we need to pay for medical needs, they can be taken care of.
Sunday was a true adventure. After staying in Berkeley the night before, Mark, Getty, Mom, Dad, and I headed down to San Fransisco for the Northern California FSMA Walk-n-Roll. We have been looking forward to the walk for some time. We have had the pleasure to meet a lot of families on-line and this was going to be our chance to finally meet face to face. Unfortunately mother nature had other plans for us. Mark and I decided that the unrelenting rain would obviously compromise Getty’s health. So daddy and Getty stayed back, while the rest of Getty’s warriors braved the cold and the wet to walk in her honor.
Thank you Takoa, Kathy, T, and Diane for braving the crazy weather without jackets, mind you, and walking for Team Getty. Your Team shirts were amazing and I was just so touched that you came all the way to walk for Getty. Your support is so incredible and so appreciated. To the Barbarino’s that brought their little bambino, Aiden to walk with us. You didn’t have to drive all that way just to walk with us, but you did and we are so thankful that you did. I didn’t know that rain could fall sideways, but you guys seemed to not even let it bother you and I thank you for your support and good spirit. We got a chance to take a Team Getty picture, a memory we will have forever. Thank you friends. With all of the crazy weather, it was impossible to meet other people. We were all so bundled up, I couldn’t recognize any new face in the crowd. Perhaps next year, when the weather is better, we could have stayed and met more families that day. All in all, Team Getty was able to raise just over $1,000 for FSMA. Thank you all for donating to such a great organization. they comfort families in need, they give money to much desired research, and they help raise awareness. I know our Team Getty donation will go to good things.
We were able to also walk with a very good friend of mine. Krista and her partner, Kris and the Gulbransens, were in attendance for the walk and they also graciously opened their home to us for lunch. Krista you and I have known each other for about 8 years. I feel like within this past year we have grown even closer and I am so thankful for that. Your friendship is precious to me and I can’t think of another person I would lean on more for advice and support than you. My only regret is that we don’t live closer. Getty loves her Auntie Krista. I wish we could have stayed longer on Sunday so that you could have had more time with little Miss Getty. As Mark, Getty, and I continue on this journey, your strength and friendship gives me confidence as Getty’s mommy. You always seem to leave me with some lesson to think about and ponder. Thank you.
Mark and I both love the fall weather. The changing of the leaves and the brisk air are welcome changes. However now it is taking on a whole new meaning. Colder weather means colds, coughs, sniffles, and the flu. All things that have the potential to compromise Getty’s health. We are taking every precaution we can to keep her immune system strong. My weekday routine after work starts with a shower to rid myself of any and all germs acquired at work, brush teeth, in the hope that I have not brought in anything. Once a new set of clothes are on I quickly run to my little one to catch up on kisses and hugs. I noticed a little congestion in my lungs Monday and so now my routine has added gloves and a mask. It is a temporary measure, but it is worth it. You should have seen Getty’s face when she saw me wearing a mask. She started to cry when she saw me, but when I started to speak I think she figured it out. Now she just seems fascinated by the squishy gloves and blue mask.
Getty has been a bit fussy lately. Not her usual self and I think my Mom might has figured it out. Little Missy has two bottom teeth coming in. I think Mark and I have been some overwhelmed by the diagnosis and the constant battle with doctors that we unfortunately lost sight of life itself. I was getting so freaked out that I would bring some sort of sickness home that I completely forget to embrace her little, but amazing milestones.
I put my finger in her mouth and moved my finger along the bottom of her mouth and wouldn’t you know it, two little teeth. They are the sweetest little teeth, I tried to take a picture of the little nubs but they were just too small. How very exciting this is, soon enough we will have a whole mouthful.
Monday we celebrated Getty’s 7 month birthday. As I write this post, she is laying next to me and looking at the way I type. She is so beautiful and she is just my little girl and I am always overcome with emotion when I look at her and think of her. She is the best thing that has happened to Mark and I. What an absolute gift she is to all that meet her.
So that is how our weekend ended, surrounded by family and friends. Yes it was exhausting but so incredibly worth it. Thank you all for helping us gain some security in a very inconsistent situation. I know you all had to sacrifice precious time with your own families to help us, we thank them for their understanding.
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I am just in awe, as I continue to read your story. I have tears and heartache, as I know what is coming. Getty is such an adorable little girl. I can’t imagine having to go down the road you’re traveling. My kids are 32 and 27, and they are still my babies. You both are teaching us all so much about parenting. You are seeing things that all the rest of us have probably missed with our own kids. Another side. You have found what will become your lifes passion. I am learning so much from you. You are all in my thoughts and prayers as this journey continues.
I think I can speak for the SJHS Team Getty when I say that if we are the “smartest, most hardest working, compassionate, and … strong women” you say we are, it is because your brains, hard work, compassion, and incredible strength have inspired us to be so. So, thank YOU.
I too was moved by the tremendous efforts everyone is putting into helping Getty, Kate, and Mark. The Rummage Sale was great, and while I wasn’t able to help set it up, JoAnn and I enjoyed being there to take in the wonderful spirit of community, and to contribute a few dollars with our purchases. This is another of the things that make me glad that fate has brought me the opportunity to be a part of the New San Juan community!