Taken off BiPAP and doing well
From Mark:
At about 8:00 am, we took Getty off the BiPAP breathing machine to see how she would do. Well, she is fantastic, and she is still doing well at 10:00 am.
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YAY! YAY!YAY! So happy to hear this wonderful news. And look at her without that itchy tape. 🙂 So happy for you Miss Getty!!!!!
We are so happy that the surgery was such a success and that Getty is doing so well. She was in our thoughts every minute yesterday and we could finally take a breath when we heard that she was out of surgery and doing great. Love to all of you!!
Michelle, Mike, Isabel and Claire
Always with a SMILE!!! You brighten our day, Little Owl! So happy it’s over for you and a total SUCCESS!! YEA!
Kate & Mark-
Yay, I am so glad to hear the surgery was a success! Getty is such a trooper! Thinking of you and your family.
Monica (Becky McKee’s friend)
Such a sweet happy smile on Getty’s face, like nothing happened. You are all so amazingly strong and loving.