Going “Getty”
From Kate:
I am uploading a video that has been long overdue. Mark and I have developed a term we use for when Getty feels like she has been “wronged”. We call it “going Getty”. Our sweet Getty has yet to throw a tantrum but she sure has developed her own way of letting us know when we are not doing what she wants. So instead of talking about it, I thought it would be easier if you just watched it. Enjoy!
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Wow Getty girl. You are so adorable 🙂 I love you.
She is so beautiful and so sweet.
(I am delurking, I guess… a friend of an SMA family in Raleigh.)
You are way too cute!! We sent you a package with an outfit that you can play dress up with your Mom (We hear you like doing that!!). Hoot Hoot,
The Stumpfs
Oh my goodness! She is VERY clever and adorable!
Dear Miss Getty,
You my darling girl have excellent communication skills.
Hugs and Smooches,
Is that nailpolish I see on that Diva? You rock, girlfriend! Keep up the vocals. See you soon. Love, Your Auntie Krista
It’s hilarious! She’s adorable– and just a tad manipulative? Watch out, Daddy, she’s already got you enslaved.
Oh my gosh… this video is absolutely adorable!! Getty sure has her own personality and she is cute as a button! Thank you so much for sharing!
OMG! I am in tears, she is soooooo adorable! I just want to squeeze her little cheeks! Happy holidays, Kate, Mark, and Getty!