Meet Team Getty Runners: Mady
From Kate:
We are so proud of each member of the Team Getty Runners, we wanted you all to meet them as well. Every Wednesday I will highlight a new member of the team.
There is plenty of time to become a member. This is not an exclusive club, the Team Getty Runners are people just like you and me that are helping us fight to cure SMA. Check out the Team Getty page to follow the Team Getty Runners blog and to join in the fun.
So I thought we should start with the youngest member of the team, the strongest member, the warrior of the squad…….Miss Mady! Her mommy, Takoa interviewed her for this post.
Name: Mady Stathem
Age: 3 1/2, almost 4
Birthday: Jan19th
Parents: Takoa, Mike
Brother: Charley
Lil’ Sissy: Getty
Favorite Colors: Pink, purple, and yellow
Hobbies: spend the night at Grammy’s, playing with Charley, having fun by myself, running in races and winning medals, watching Mickey Mouse Clubhouse
Q: What is Team Getty?
A: “Team Getty is a name for race names.”
Q: Why did you want to be a part of Team Getty:
A: “Because Getty is sick and we’re trying to get her muscles stronger. I would tell people all over the world I want them to see me and read the words of Team Getty.”
Q: What would you tell Getty or Kate?
A: “First I would talk to Getty. I would say, (in a big sister, encouraging tone) ‘I’m gonna make your muscles stronger!”
“I would say to Miss Kate, ‘I’m going to make Getty’s muscles stronger because they’re sick and I’ll win the race.”
Mady completed her first race of the year this past Sunday and her first race as a member of the Team Getty Runners. We are all so very proud of you big sis! Check out more pictures of Mady’s race!
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She loves Getty Owl like the big sissy she is! She looks forward to her race this Saturday too where she will probably run for her lil’ Sis!
This made me smile and cry at the same time! She is precious! Go Team Getty! And Go Mady!
OMG this is too cute! Yay Mady & Team Getty!!!!!
Smoochies to Mady! Love you! Thank you for being a Team Getty Runner!