We Couldn’t Do This Without You! Part 3
From Kate:
On the eve of the events tomorrow I wanted to thank some really incredible people that have been so supportive from the beginning.
Thank you to our board, Stacey, Takoa, and Morgan who have helped so much to make sure the walk and art auction the success it will be tonight. Thank you for your time and commitment to help us fight. Just when Mark and I get tired, all three of you keep our spirits high and our minds focused on the goals we have set. We thank you for giving up precious time with your family to help us plan and execute.
I want to thank the walkers for coming out tomorrow. We have over 100 shirts ready to be worn and over 200 SMA Awareness bags to be handed out. I thank you for taking the time out of your day to help us spread some much needed awareness in Sacramento.
I want to thank our families for being so supportive of us. Thank you to the Mathany family and the Stump family for believing in us, supporting us, as and encouraging us to keep fighting for what we believe is right. We hope we are making you all proud.
On behalf of our entire family we would like to thank Ben Schenkel from the Sacramento Bee. We were so excited to get the chance to share our story and to help shed some light on SMA in the Sacramento Region. We really appreciated the time and effort you put into interviewing us. You can imagine our excitement when we opened The Bee to see our sweet Getty on the front cover of section B. We were equally impressed by how you were able to really understand how we view SMA. You understood our passion to help end SMA and give Getty every chance she has to live a wonderful life as all people should. Thank you for explaining the science behind the disease and the cutting edge research now being practiced. You did our community a huge service to shed light on SMA. Thank you for telling our story, we are honored.
If you have not read the story in today’s Bee, here it is. There was one slight miscommunication and that was for the start time of the walk. The walk begins at 6 pm and not 5 pm.
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