For the locals!!!
This one is for those that live or visit Sacramento, CA!
Two gifts cards for some amazing locations in town. First, have a wonderful meal at Paragary’s Bary and Oven with a $30 gift card and then do a little shopping at University Art with a $25 gift card!
Leave a comment letting us know if you’ve ever been to either of these locations! Deadline to enter is March 26th at 11pm PST.
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I haven’t been to either location but I have heard great things about Paragary’s!
Happy Birthday Getty Girl! Hope you have lots of fun today!
I haven’t been to either one but I would love to! I hope Getty is having an amazing birthday!
Paragarys is delish!
Haven’t been to either, but they look amazing! I have seen University Art, but never gone in. I could do some serious damage there. 🙂 Love the grid, though!
I have not been to either location so would definitely be a treat. Thank you Getty for the opportunity to win!
Happy Birthday beautiful girl!!!! I had the pleasure of vending at the event in the park last year.
Ps. How do we enter the contest?
Each item we are giving away you have to leave a comment on and we will randomly select. The grand prize requires a video be submitted in order to be entered.
Been to Paragary’s and enjoyed it… have not been to University Art but since I am artsy-fartsy, sure I would love it. Visit Sacto regulary.
Love Paragary’s but haven’t been in YEARS!!
Have never been to University Art.
What a great prize!
I have been to Paragary’s! Great place! My husband would love the University Art certificate. Hope Getty’s day has been incredible.
Paragary’s has such delicious food! Have not been to University Art.
I may have been to Paragary’s years ago for a wedding rehearsal dinner. Would love to go again (or for the first time?).
Haven’t been to either place but love finding new things so this would be fun!
I have an Art Degree from Sac State and I have been to University Art many a time! I love to shop there!
I think the last (and only) time I was at Paragary’s was for my best friend’s high school graduation dinner with her family. It’s been a *few* years. Happy Birthday, Getty!!
I heart University Art. I haven’t been in a few years but would love to win so I could go!
Happy Birthday, Little Miss Getty.
Yummy! And the other is a fabulous place for art supplies!
I have never been to either one, but I have heard great things about paragary’s and would love some art for my spare room!
My good friend lives in Sacto and would put these to good use – I haven’t been there personally.
I have not been there, my family would love this!!
Now this would be great for a little mom & dad time! <3 Happy Birthday, Getty!
I have to been to both places. Great Downtown Sac locations to shop and eat. Would be fun to use them. Happy 2nd Birthday Getty!! Hope it was wonderful.
Paragary’s is a wonderful place to have a date night. Love the back patio…BUT…the best thing I like about Paragary’s is their AMAZING homemade vanilla ice cream. (Which a special birthday girl like Getty would love. : ) As for University Art…what is not to love about that store. My son and I could spend hours there. They are the only place around that sells these special drawing pens I like.
University Art is one of my bff’s favs…so I’ll give it to her. I have not been to Paragary’s, but I bet my huz would love to go for a date.
I haven’t been to either place but would love to check them out!