Let’s get this party started!!!!
Welcome to Getty’s 2nd Birthday Virtual Celebration! A party in which you get all the gifts! We are so excited that you are here to celebrate that we are going to go ahead and just kick things off with the GRAND Prize.
Well, sort of. Let me first start by saying that today, there are over 30 items being given away. So many that a party we thought would go until 12 hours is now going all the way until 3am! So many that we had to group items together so most of the time you are going to potentially win multiple things!
Without further ado
The Kindle Fire. Our grand prize today. Here’s how you can get your hands on this beautiful book reader and tablet. You need to make a video. I know that makes some of you get sweaty palms, but you don’t even have to be IN the video. The video needs to consist of your favorite children’s book being read to Getty. What’s a party for Getty without her getting something out of it as well! Here’s an example of my video for Getty.
So, you read the book in any way you see fit and then you give it to us. You can post it on YouTube, you can post it on Facebook or you can email it to gettyowl@gmail.com. Once you have done that you have to leave a comment on this post! In that comment give us the link where you uploaded or let us know that you emailed it to us. Voila…you are entered! You have until 11pm on Monday night to enter all of our giveaways.
Happy partying and see you in an hour!!
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If You Give a Cat a Cupcake (my cat interferes, uh, helps read!).
Check out this video on YouTube:
Happy birthday to a beautiful girl!
Sent from my iPad
Happy 2nd Birthday Miss Getty. We hope you received our birthday package to you. We love you and look forward to our visit this summer 🙂 Hoot Hoot!!!!
John, Leslie, Rachel and Sarah 🙂
Happy Birthday Getty! I’ve emailed you guys a link of Alex and I reading “Boo Hoo Baby” to Getty!
Happy Birthday Getty!! Emailed you a link with a Cinderella short story. Delaney sends lots of wishes.
Hello! E-mailed a link of me reading the story, “Jack-Jack Attack” from the Incredibles. Happy birthday “two” you!
I read In My Tree for Getty this morning before church. Hopefully you can view it from my facebook page.
Happy Birthday Getty! Here is the link to the book Ari and I read for you! (Sorry she gets a little sassy at the end.) http://www.facebook.com/#!/video/video.php?v=3201478273228¬if_t=video_processed We read “Great Day for UP” By Dr. Seuss. Hope you like it!!
The Next Place by Warren Hanson is the book I chose to read to Getty Owl on her second birthday. Today was also Emma, my sister’s, angel day. She would have loved this book and the amazing way Getty’s parents (Kate & Mark) are celebrating today. Enjoy!
http://youtu.be/OKh2HfaF4u8 or
Leah and I Choose the book “I like myself” because it is one of our favorite books to read together!! Kate Mathany we hope Getty Owl loves it as much as we do!!
For Miss Getty – The Monkey
Happy 2nd Birthday Getty!
We hope you are having the best birthday ever!
We read Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See!
The dog even got in on it!
Quinn was very excited and we hope you enjoy. We sure did!
Thank You for this great idea!
The Gagnon’s
Happy Birthday Getty!!!!!!
The Bohannan’s
We e-mailed Emma reading An Adventure with Olivia Owl to Getty. Happy Birthday Getty! We also posted it on facebook.
I emailed me reading the twins favorite book we read every morning at breakfast. It is Hey! Wake Up! By Sandra Boyton
The link to our video of Elizabeth reading Pinkalicious to getty can be found at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oW2kChWp0xg
Here is the link to the video of the book I read with Madison to Getty.
It’s called The Story of Disney Bear- A Day at the Magic Kingdom.
It’s one of Madison’s favorite books and place to visit. Disney is where dreams come true and everything is possible if you believe!
Happy 2nd. Birthday Getty!
We love you!
There should be a video of me reading “Dear God” on your FB page soon. Hope you enjoy! Happy Birthday Getty! (((HUGS)))
Green Eggs and Ham! 🙂
Happy Birthday Getty!
Happy Birthday, Getty!
We read/sang “Baby Beluga” by Raffi — one of Samuel’s current favorites. We can’t really sing but our son loves it anyway. Hope you do too!
Here ya go: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=me3e19ZY4oA
Happy Birthday, sweet girl.
Happy, happy 2nd birthday to beloved Getty and her beautiful parents!! Here’s the link to our video reading of “Little Gorilla”. We love you and celebrate you today! xo
All great days should end with a bedtime story! One of our favorite stories to read Jadon at night is “Sleepyhead” by Karma Wilson and John Segal. Here’s the link to our video.
Happy 2nd Birthday Little Owl. Hoot!Hoot! Sending love and BUG hugs!! Tony, Kristin & Jadon
Here we go! We are so excited! This is one of my favorite books from growing up.
I didn’t have a lot of kids books sitting around in my dorm room, so we went over to the Jessup library and found this one my dad used to read to me when I was little. I LOVE the illustrations!
Hope you like it, Getty. 🙂
Wow! Look at all of those books, Getty! I sent mine in via email. I hope you enjoy it as you get ready for bed! Happy Birthday, Getty!
Uploaded my video to the facebook page. Me reading Barnyard Dance by Sandra Boynton. 🙂 Happy Birthday Getty!!! <3
I hope you like the video I made for you, I am sending it by email! hugs baby girl
Hi getty, i hope you have a restful day after so much celebrating on your special day yesterday. lots of love always from all of us.
Just uploaded a video to Getty’s facebook page. Hope you enjoy it! Happy birthday!
Hi.,… Posted my precious one reading our fav book to Getty’s Facebook! Happy Birthday Getty!!! You are amazing!
Happy Birthday Miss Getty! We’ve been trying really hard to get your video up on your fb page, it’s on your mommy’s right now, but we just can’t seem to make it work! I hope you’re still able to see it and enjoy hearing about the bug with the cat in the hat! ;*D We really hope your big day was super special!
The Trumble Family!
Here’s a link to our YouTube video. We chose Llama Llama Red Pajama. We hope you love it!
Hi Getty! Here’s a wild and crazy video me and my Fab Four (Number Five was sleeping) made for you of our favorite bedtime story….bet you’ve heard of it. 🙂 We sent it to your email.
Happy Birthday Getty! I just posted a video for you to Facebook of my son Brennan reading you “My Mom is Great”. We know what a great mom you have so we thought you would love this book!
Happy birthday Getty! Sorry we forgot to tell you who we are on the video! We love you and hope you had a fabulous birthday! We like to tell everyone about you and how beautiful and strong you are! We can’t wait until your birthday next year! Love, Katie and Deidre
I hope that works! And we are sorry for not being able to show you all the pictures! It was hard to juggle everything!
Happy birthday! Hope you enjoy one of my FAVORITE books from my childhood and now my children’s. You are a beautiful girl and such an inspiration. <3
Happy Birthday! Enjoy the book!
After much debate between the 4 year old and the 17 month old, they have agreed that they would like to share The Bear Snores On as one of their favorite books. We hope you like it as much as we do! Happy birthday Getty! Enjoy this emailed video.
So Miss Getty, I chose to read you the book I wrote. I hope you enjoy it in my english accent 😉 A little twist 🙂 Until next time. Ill have to make you some more when I leave for Australia, but Ill get one of their cool accented natives to read it to you 🙂 Love you love bug.
Hi Getty.
Check your email for a story. We hope you enjoy it.
Happy Birthday!
Jim and Samuel
Happy Birthday Getty. I hope you enjoy the video <3
(I'm not sure if it posted correctly to your myspace page so I also uploaded to Youtube.)
and also