Owl Hat and Bows
Another adorable hat from Cupc4ke! Perfect for the little boy or girl in your life.
Since it seems like everyone has been a big fan of the boys, how about 4 more bows! We’ll just keep building up your collection!
Leave a comment letting us know who your owl hat will be for to be entered. Deadline to enter is March 26th at 11pm.
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My boy friend’s wonderful sister is having a girl in July! She will make a cute owl i’m sure!!!
My four month old nephew could use a cute owl hat! He’s currently sporting a completely bald head 🙂
My Piper could use a new owl hat for this fall!
Alli baby would look so cute in the owl hat!!:)
The hat will be for my son, i love it
Oh my gosh, this is to cute, it would so cute on Angel..
Adorable! Would love to see my youngest daughter in this hat!
My beautiful girl, Ella, of course! She loves hats too!
I would keep the owl hat for my daughter Tenley, but would share the bows with my niece Maci.
The hat will be for my son. I have wanted a hat just like this for him since before he was born!!! 🙂
Abrianna Reed
My hero and inspiration – Jadon!!
For my Leah!!
My cousin! It’s so cute!
ASha Rose my daughter…
Those are super cute! What lil treasure wouldn’t look cute in those?!!
My daughter would LOVE this hat and clips!
Happy Birthday beautiful girl!
I have a little girl who I watch that turns a year old on Wednesday – Livia would look adorable in the hat & bows!
if it fits a 6year old it will be for my little princess who needs to wear hets all year round due to ear infections!!
Happy birthday princess Getty!!
I think my little nephew would look so cute in an owl hat!
My sister-in-law’s sister has a little one who could rock this!
My little “Owl-iver” would totally rock this hat!! My two year old could steal the bows from him…he wouldn’t mind. 🙂
emily would make a sweet owl, but if her beautiful head is too big, we’d share it with her new cousin miana, who is 2 weeks old
The owl hat will be for my daughter Deidre!
Little Axxie Lynn will be wearing the cute owl hat and bows!!
My little girl would love this hat – she’s 17 months old!
The hat would be for Hunter, and he would have his picture taken for his 2013 calendar we are selling for proceeds for FSMA and Dr. Kaspar’s research. We have a goal of $20,000 🙂 His sock monkey picture and aviator picture are a couple of the ultitude of pictures already taken. All of the costumes are crocheted, and all but a couple are from etsy.
Emma would love this.
The owl hat will be worn by Corrina. Although she’s only 7 months old, her head is gigantic and I’m sure it will fit nicely. 😉 Happy Birthday, Getty.
For my future niece or nephew because I know its something that will be cherished by my lil sis.
My Son who is almost 10 months old.