And the Chosen Costumes are………….
From Kate:
I know everyone is going to scroll to the bottom without reading this…I would as well, but I wanted to thank all of the awesome contestants. It was a joy making our 4th Annual Costume Contest. Every year you kiddos “bring it”. The good news is that some lucky kiddos get gifts cards, the other great news is that over 1,637 votes were cast and even cooler is that my hope is that after you voted you may have lingered on the website to learn about Spinal Muscular Atrophy. So thanks to everyone that stopped by, participated, and voted. 🙂
So here we go:
3rd Place and the winner of the $25 iTunes gift card is…………….arg!
2nd Place and the winner of the $50 iTunes gift card is………………….mummy!
1st Place and the winner of the $100 Barnes and Noble gift card is……………yummy Pillsbury doughboy!
Again, thank you to all of the contestants. There were so many awesome kids and costumes to go with them,
I am sure everyone had a hard time narrowing down the playing field.
Hope you all can come back next year.
Thank you all so much.
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Thank you for the contest. It was so nice to see all the kids dressed up… Life might not be what people consider perfect but it is the life that was given to us, therefore we will make to most of it!! Loved everyone of them!!!
Team RJ!!! AKA Baker Man
Thank you so much for recognizing these beautiful special children…so glad R.J. won!!!!!