Getty Owl's Blog
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Lionel’s Place

From Kate:  A few months ago at Getty’s school fall festival, I was introduced to a couple of dynamic women. Karen and Hannah were vendors at the festival and what they had to offer made my heart happy. Lionel’s Place, offered all kinds of fun pillows, prints, t-shirts, buttons, and an amazing book called The Little Lemon That Leapt. This is Lionel the lemon. 🙂 Lionel travels the world meeting various friends along the way and learning what makes us different can and is wonderful.  What I appreciate most is Karen and Hannah’s passion and mission to help support positive efforts to help kids embrace weird. “We will never be able to measure how much greatness the world has missed out on because a bully shut down a child’s creativity. That is why it is our mission to bully-proof kids one at a time by teaching them that different is beautiful. When a child accepts and loves his or her own quirks, it in turn becomes easier for that child to accept and love quirks in others. Choose Weird is our mantra and way of empowering kids to own their differences in a positive and intentional way.” My perspective as a mother with a child with special considerations, I often worry whether Getty would be accepted in her environment. Would children only see differences as negatives? Would they not take the time to really see her as just one of the kids? Would they see what we see every single day? A confident, sassy, and incredibly smart young lady who embraces all that life has to offer. Well I can honestly report that ever since Getty has been enrolled in school, she has always encountered a warm smile and a kind offering of friendship. We have been overwhelmed with kindness and I can’t tell you how much it empowers Getty’s growth.  I am also aware that not all experiences are similar and I am so thankful for Karen, Hannah and Lionel’s Place for offering a positive platform to learn positive ways to embrace differences. Your efforts will continue to make an impact, that is certain.  “It is about a movement to raise a generation of children who are full of compassion and empathy, and who choose to celebrate what makes them weird.” I love this and I could not agree more.  This year for our SMA Holiday Giveaway, I wanted Lionel’s Place to participate. So for those SMA families entering our giveaway, you have a chance to also win one of their beautiful owl pillows and prints. Check it out!  I was obviously drawn to the owl prints. 🙂 I am a bit partial to them for many reasons. I was also drawn to the phrase, “Fly Fearlessly”. I think all of our SMA kids fly fearlessly. Since Getty’s diagnosis, she has had to endure many challenges and without fail, she flies fearlessly into every challenge or hurtle with ease and grace. I am in awe of her daily and just so proud of her zest for life. She is a constant teacher that challenges me in so many ways.  I hope everyone reading can take a moment to check out Lionel’s PlaceFor those SMA families interested in entering your child’s name into our giveaway, please CLICK HERE . Deadline for entries is December 3rd @ 6pm PT.       
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