Ticket Giveaway to Family Fun Fest This Saturday!
From Kate:
Our friends at the Junior League of Sacramento are putting on an incredible event THIS Saturday, April 20th from 5:30-8:30pm at Fairytale Town.
The Junior League of Sacramento, Inc. is an organization of women committed to promoting voluntarism, developing the potential of women, and improving communities through the effective action and leadership of trained volunteers.
They host events, like this, to raise funds to support community programs. Kids in the Kitchen program, Rethink your Drink campaign, and their Read and Feed Garden, and The Sacramento Food Bank and Family Services, are only just a few out of many programs JLS support.
What to look forward to at Family Fun Fest:
Kid’s Cook-off
Kid Friendly Booths as well as many other booths. *They have been nice enough to have us there too. 🙂 We are so excited!
-Make Musical Instruments
-Arts & Crafts
-Food Trivia
-Decorating pots and planting seeds
Live Music
Martial Arts and Dancing Demonstrations
You can purchase tickets HERE as well as at the door on the day of.
JLS has been awesome enough to let us give away one Family Four Pack (A value of $60)
Here is how you win. Leave a comment……it is as easy as that. We will choose randomly on Friday (April 19th at noon). Tickets will be at will call at Fairytale Town for the winner.
We hope you have a terrific time and stop by our booth and say hello. 🙂
Easter With A Side Of Bacon
From Kate:
The week of the 24th of March was pretty busy for Miss Getty. Her birthday was that Monday, Mark’s Birthday was Saturday, followed by Easter on Sunday. Grammy and Papa to come over for brunch.
Happy Birthday Daddy!
For Easter we kept things pretty low key, we already knew she was pretty pooped and so we did not want to push it. Grammy and Papa came over and we had brunch at the house.
We colored eggs and also dressed a few up from a really cute egg kit. Introducing Getty and King Egg.
She had a great time picking out what each egg was going to look like. Grammy brought a sweet basket full of fun things for Getty. I was not very festive this year, but I did find these glasses that I thought Getty might like. I think she thinks she is invisible if she wears glasses.
After opening all of her Easter gifts, we all ate brunch.
Side-note: When Mark and I were dating we often went out to dinner. One thing that I noticed about Mark’s choice of entrees ALWAYS included meat. In his opinion, breakfast, lunch and/or dinner did not count without a slice of meat. I never understood it. I still don’t. 🙂
Typically for special meals, we will give Getty a chance to try different fruits and vegetables. I get really nervous when it comes to giving Getty food. I obviously don’t want her to swallow the food, but I also get nervous because food increases secretions and so in between tastes, I suction like crazy. Having said that, the great thing about having Getty taste different foods helps to increase mouth and tongue movement.
So here we were all are sitting at the kitchen table eating brunch and I was choosing different fruits and vegetables for Getty to try. Getty was loving it. Cantaloupe, strawberries, and mangoes were all big hits. Then I heard a voice across the table. “Have her try a piece of bacon.” said my husband. I think I glared back at him as if to say, a) My daughter will not eat meat, b) There is grease on it, c) Getty won’t like it.
Well I was wrong. Getty LOVED bacon. Once she tasted the bacon, she did not want to go back to any of that silly fruit stuff. 🙂
In between bacon tastes, I suctioned. The grease was very scary for me, but we saw how much she enjoyed it, there was no way I could deny her of her genetic love of meat and in this case, bacon.
Easter was a beautiful day spent with family. The weather was perfect and so was the Bacon! 🙂
Number 3
From Kate:
These past few weeks have been a blur and I have not had a chance to recap Getty’s beautiful birthday. Well……it was beautiful. It was such a celebratory day and it was quite fitting for our little lady. It did occur to us that this birthday in particular she knew what was going on. Meaning her first birthday I think she was just thinking all the colors and candles and signing was just pretty cool. Getty’s 2nd birthday was also a lot of fun, but again not sure if she was putting two and two together that this was her special day. Well I am here to tell you that “she gets it now”.
Getty clearly knows what the word “present” means. We needed to be very careful how we used that word in the house. Now that I think about it, “surprise” was a word we needed to use carefully as well. Little stinker knew something was up and she knew it had something to do about her. 🙂
We started Getty’s birthday at the Sacramento Zoo. We packed up the van and we were off for adventure. Getty got to wear her birthday dress and sunglasses, however we needed a hat for her. The weather was nice and cloudy, but we wanted to still be careful for the occasional burst of sun. We ventured into the gift shop and found just the right hat. Pink seems to now be a must in regards to color for Getty lately. Good thing her hat fit perfect, or we may have needed to buy her an huge adult hat. 🙂
We got a chance to move about the park easy. The park was not very busy, which made for better views for Getty.
The giraffes were out, which was nice. I think last time we came, they were in their home. Her owl friend was hanging out waiting to wish Getty a happy birthday. The flamingos were so regal and proud to parade around while Getty talked to them and as we were able to capture some great pictures of her in awe of their bright colors.
After making our way around the entire park we took the opportunity to ride on the carousel. This was Getty’s first time. Mark and I were really excited to experience this with her. I originally was a bit nervous about taking her on it. It just seemed so fast. I was also nervous about the “stopping” part. Was Getty going to have a meltdown knowing the song was over and the ride was over. Geeeeesh!
Well in true Getty form, neither happened. She loved it! We loved that she not only had a great time but also got to experience something new. And now we know we will need to hit the carousel before we leave the zoo every time now.
Once we got home it was off to a birthday nap. 🙂
Once Getty was up and ready to go after her breathing treatment, it was present time.
Grammy and Papa came over and we all were able to spend some nice time as a family.
Grandma Evelyn, Grandpa Evin and her cousins (Rachel and Sarah) sang her the Happy Birthday song by phone. She loved both versions. 🙂
Miss Princess Getty wore her tiara and held her scepter the entire night if that gives you any indication of how much she was enjoying her birthday. She was in great spirits the entire night and she just seemed to really soak in the birthday festivities. She now has a healthy obsession with Tinkerbell (I will talk about this later), so her cake needed to be fairy like with Tinkerbell on top. 🙂
Getty loved all of her presents, cards, txts, emails, fb comments. Thank you all for the love and support.
Getty received books, all things Tinkerbell, Disney big and small. Getty loved each and everyone of them and we are still really enjoying everything.
March 25, 2013 was a beautiful day. Our little lady is 3. Getty’s life is blossoming, memories continue as a family, and life is beautiful. As parents, Mark and I got a chance to soak up the day in the way I would guess any parent might do. We are so proud of Getty, we are embracing all the memories made this day and so looking forward to more.
As I laid next to her sleeping body that night I could not take my eyes off of her. She slept so soundly and so beautifully. I held her little right hand and I touched it against my face. I needed to feel closer to her at that moment. I was hoping that in some way she could feel my warm cheek and my kisses as she dreamed that night. I wanted Getty to feel my love, I wanted her to dream about how much her mommy loves her and how proud I am of her.
I know Getty did not choose this life. I know we did not choose this life. But we are choosing to live life together and the ride so far has been breathtaking. Here is to looking forward and taking advantage of 2013.
Happy Birthday sweet Getty Emelia. We ALL love you.
Happy Birthday!
From Kate & Mark,
Today is a really big day for so many reasons sweet Getty. We love you so very much. You are our hero, our warrior, our everything. You have grown leaps and bounds we are just so proud of you and we are so thankful that you chose us to be your parents.
We hope you enjoy all the surprises today. We also hope you don’t mind being a bit spoiled today. 🙂
Here is to many, many more!
You Just Never Know and Here We Are
From Kate:
“Getty has what is called Spinal Muscular Atrophy, from what I can tell. Now we will need to do some blood work to make sure she has it. You both will need to also have a blood test just to make sure you are carriers, but unfortunately I am afraid this is the diagnosis,” said our neurologist on that fateful Friday, July 31st, 2010.
Mark and I really didn’t have much to say. Shock had encompassed the doctor’s office. I glanced at Getty as she lied on the examining table. All I could muster up was, “How long do we have?”
“At least a year but most likely not past two,” he said. More shock and disbelief.
No tears were shed in the office and not even on the way home. I asked Mark as we drove home to call my mother so they would be at the house when we arrived. How on earth were we supposed to explain this to them when we could not explain it ourselves?
Sure Getty was kind of “floppy”, but she could still sit up for a bit, in the right position, and she could hold her head up. What I know now was that it was, in certain regards, wishful thinking on our part that maybe the neurologist had this whole thing wrong.
He was right. The blood test came back positive for SMA and we were carriers.
How on earth could such a destructive disease, the #1 genetic killer of young children go virtually undetected to planning parents, new parents, women, OBGYNs … EVERYONE?!
How on earth is this not a standard blood test?
How on earth is there no insane amount of research already going into this disease so their IS already a cure?
How on earth can it even be labeled as an “orphan” disease?
I wanted justice!
My journey with grief began with utter disgust and anger. I am Getty’s mother and I am supposed to protect her from any kind of harm, and look at what I have done. Unknowingly, I had passed along a recessive gene that will, in the neurologist’s opinion, take her away from us in two years, if we are lucky.
“I want to thank everyone for taking the time to have our meeting her at our home, instead of at your school site,” I said.
Seven educational professionals formed a circle yesterday, Friday March 22nd, 2013, in our little kitchen to discuss Getty’s educational journey. We were here to have what would be Getty’s first Individualized Educational Program (IEP) meeting.
Here is a brief description of an IEP:
“An IEP defines the individualized objectives of a child who has been found with a disability, as defined by federal regulations. The IEP is intended to help children reach educational goals more easily than they otherwise would. In all cases the IEP must be tailored to the individual student’s needs as identified by the IEP evaluation process, and must especially help teachers and related service providers understand the student’s disability and how the disability affects the learning process.”
I started the meeting explaining SMA and how it affects Getty. I went into length about how incredible Getty is. I went into length about her personality, her strengths, her character, her exuberance for life, her everything.
Most of these people had never met Getty and I wanted to create a picture of our daughter so they left visualizing her as a human being and not as a number. I wanted them to leave wanting to stay until after she woke up from her nap, just so they could meet her and start their session early :).
I wanted them to care.
After I was finished talking for a good 45 minutes on all things Getty and her diagnosis, I cried uncontrollably. The entire room was crying. The catalyst for my emotional breakdown was not talking about SMA, it was not talking about my beautiful daughter — I was crying because it had finally hit me that we were “here.”
Getty will be in pre-school. Getty will be 3 on Monday, March 25th. Getty has gotten to a point in her life that she will be able to continue to grow intellectually and be challenged to shoot for the moon. Getty has already beaten the odds and there is no stopping her. Getty is a warrior. Getty is, well … Getty … and she is present and in our lives.
I usually have my “shit” together, but I could not stop crying with this realization. They could not stop crying for that same reason and afterwards learned that they were so overcome by my passion for her that they couldn’t help but feel that immense love.
There are so many things we could have done when the diagnosis was handed to us on that fateful July afternoon. We chose to fight and not allow Getty to be defined by SMA.
I knew in my heart two years simply was not going to be enough time for us to love, nurture, and explore with her. She deserves more time to love, to discover, to learn, to enjoy what life has to offer her and us as a family.
So you just never know … and here we are … and here’s to more. Lots, lots, lots more.