Team Getty
From Mark:
Getty has met her entire team at Kaiser: Pediatrician, neurologist, speech therapist, radiologist, nutritionist, pulmonologist, gastroenterologist, pediatric nurse practitioner, and social worker.
The consensus is that Getty’s systems are strong and stable. Her blood oxygen levels, respiration, swallowing, and digestion are all normal. She doesn’t need any special equipment yet, which is great news!
Kaiser Team Getty is a wonderful group of people and they all seem genuinely eager to help her however they can. Thank you!
We need to prepare Getty for winter because something as simple as catching a cold can really take a toll on an SMA baby. Otherwise, other than hypotonia (floppiness), all signs are good at this point. Now that we have a solid baseline, she’ll be visiting members of Kaiser Team Getty about once a month.
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Kate & Mark…I love reading your posts, and I am just amazed at what a beautiful baby girl Getty is.