BlaBla Dolls
You had me at BlaBla! This dolls are by far the cutest thing on the planet and have graced the pages of more magazines than imaginable! Today, Prudence the Owl can be yours!
Leave a comment letting us know who will snuggle with Prudence in order to win this item. Deadline to enter is March 26th at 11pm PST.
Thank you Jacqueline for this wonderful donation!
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She is cute snd my 2 year old will snuggle the stuffing out of her.
Happy birthday, Getty!
My little Makenna would love to snuggle with Prudence
Brielle’s first fav stuffed animal was a pig Blabla doll! She would love the owl!
I have to admit, it would be me that would snuggle with Prudence!! She is absolutely adorable and the doll collector in me can’t resist a doll with such cuteness!
My daughter Lucy would love to cuddle with Prudence in bed at night and play with her all day! Hoot! Hoot!
My 8 month old miracle baby has a special place in her heart for all things owls so it seems. Together, I know that my daughter and I would be snuggling with Prudence. Happy, Happy Birthday, Getty. And oh how we just love your lullabies in this house. I have been playing them for my little since she was born. ; )
I’m thinking my dad would adore Prudence. He has a fondness for things that are qurikey, like him
OK, bee would say “ha!” if she saw Prudence and then would reach out for her so she could snuggle her! we would love her!
Nathan Rhys loves owls and snuggling. <3
cute! our Alli would love to snuggle with it!:)
This would be for my gorgeous niece, Alina. She is such a good mama to her little dolls.
I would use this adorable little owl doll on my own bed 🙂
This doll would snuggle with my son Maximus! 😉
My daughter Lily would love to snuggle with Prudence the Owl!
My grandson will love to snuggle with Prudence the Owl because he love Getty Owl now!
We have a BlaBla cow that Piper adores! She’d love to have add another owl to her collection! We always think of Getty when we see owls! Hoot!
I would!
Oh my gosh! Both of my girls would take turns with dear, sweet Prudence.
Angel would love this…
Our friend just had twins one boy and one girl. I think this would be perfect for her little girl.
My little Abrianna would love to snuggle with her. Happy 2nd birthday, Getty!
I’m not here to enter, only to say that is SO CUTE!!!
If I win this, my daughter Morgan will snuggle her when she leaves her little sis Getty for a year to go to school in Australia.
Lucy loves her Blabla dolly! I know she would love to give this owl to her cousin Coco to snuggle with 🙂
My daughter got a Prudence for her 2nd Birthday and she is 3 1/2 this month. We do need to find Wink, the boy owl, for my son. My niece, who we call Hootie, would get this little owl. Her daddy is deployed now and she deserves something extra to cuddle with and she would love Prudence too!
Oddly enough, my mother wanted to name me Prudence when they brought me home to the house near Kate; Shawnda named me Kelly. Please enter baby Corrina Espinosa to snuggle with Pru. Happy Birhtday, Getty!
Evelyn, our almost 2 year old, would love to snuggle with this owl.
Emma would snuggle with this.
I think my 5yo and 7 week old would be sharing her!
Oh, Ella would squeeze Prudence as hard as she could. She is oh so cute!!
My 13 month boy, Samuel, would totally snuggle with Prudence!
My Isabel would love snuggling with this cute little doll!
my three year old daughter would love to snuggle this sweet doll!
I would give it to my new niece that will be born next month!!
Tenley (my daughter) loves to snuggle!
Presley would love this doll! She loves any kind of doll or stuffed animal.
Prudence would be snuggled by my sweet Leah!!
My Mitch would love her!
Madyson will be snuggling with the adorable doll!!
Little Scarlet would definitely snuggle Prudence up!
The obvious choice would be my 14 month old daughter, but then her twin brother is very fond of all things soft and snuggly. I predict they’d fight over it 😉
My sweet little almost 4 year old would be the perfect snuggle partner for this sweet doll 🙂
Prudence would be a nice replacement for Sydney, since Owen snatched the blabla stuffed kitty we got her! ;*)
My three daughters would fight over this one. (Yes, even the 17-year-olds).
My sweet Lexi would be the proud mama to this. SO CUTE!
My best friend’s daughter turns 2 the day after my birthday. It’d be perfect for her!
My puppy and I would snuggle with her. He loves to snuggle with me…and if I have any kind of stuffed animal around…he loves to lay his head on it while snuggling. Life is good.
There are a lot of arms for snuggling over here but if I had to guess I would say…..Scarlette would love to snuggle Prudence. That is, if she ever goes to sleep….:)
My sweetheart Arianah would love to snuggle with Prudence 🙂
My little Hannah who loves all things snuggable.