The Beauty of 27!
From Kate:
Since Getty’s 3rd month of life our family was introduced to an amazing lady named Morgan Saunders. She is the kind of human being that understands love and commitment. Ever since she has been taking pictures of Getty, they not only have formed a bond, but we feel like Morgan is a part of our family. She has been with us through the good time and those times when we had no clue how much time we had with Getty. She has remained ever so kind and gentle with Getty and I know that Getty’s love is mutual.
Yesterday Morgan took pictures of Getty’s 27 month pictures. I know it is a little unorthodox to take pictures at all kinds of random months, but that is our life, unorthodox.
After each photo shoot, I simply cannot wait to see what comes of all of her pictures. And without fail, Morgan finds a way to capture Getty’s zest for life and personality.
Here are a few:
Oh our little lady is growing up so fast and so beautiful and as usual, we are just in awe of her spirit. We have shared 27 months together.
Estimated days spent snuggling together and counting!
Naps: 820
Slumber parties: 820
Estimated amounts of books read and counting!
15 x 820= 12,300
Time cherished and counting. 😉
Our beloved Morgan has chosen to study abroad in Australia for an entire year, starting in July. We will miss her so very much and I know Getty will miss her big sis for sure. Don’t worry Morgan we will ALL be here when you get back and ready for another photo shoot. We love you and your experience in Australia will be such an enriching experience. We know that you will exude love and cherish all who you meet there. Safe travels our friend. And if you can, bring home a kangaroo for Miss Getty.
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She has got to be one of the most photogenic kids on the planet. Great job, Morgan!
Kate and Mark,
I love you guys so much. Thank you for helping make my transition easier. It is hard for me to think I won’t see you three (and cooper) for a whole year. I look forward to running a couple races in Sydney for Miss Getty and bringing the GOF abroad. Getty has made me a better person and helped me understand what’s important in life. You only live once, you only get one chance, and its like she gave us the most important gift of all, to learn to cherish every moment you get.
I look forward to one last shoot before I go 🙂 Hugs and Smoochies to Miss Getty (And one for Coopie doo)
Love you guys.
Honored to be your photographer <3
SMA Warrior for Life,
Morgan 🙂
She is absolutely beautiful! What great photos!
Thanks Morgan for you beautiful pic’s.All our love to you in Australia.Can’t wait to see pic’s from down under.
Love Grmmy and Papa