Getty Owl's Blog
Getty's Blog Getty's Blog

Little Missy Updates!

From Kate:

With the holidays fast approaching, I wanted to update on how little missy is doing and how she is kicking SMA’s bootie! 🙂

Every year Getty has been receiving a flu shot as well as a monthly synagis shot. A simple cold for any of our kids can turn into a big deal. With RSV season well underway we need to be very  careful to protect Getty and to let her see the world and experience life. Nice balance huh!

Kaiser originally denied the synagis shot for her, since she had grown too “old” for the shot. Basically the shot is not a vaccine, more like a shot with antibodies in it to help fight a cold if Getty is to get sick. We wanted Getty to continue to get it and so we fought and we got the denial overturned, which was not only a huge relief, but also pretty much helped us set precedence for next year’s “denial”. :). So glad I married an attorney. Mark is amazing with words and making a convincing argument. So thankful for all of his hard work.

Getty got her first shot last week. In true Getty fashion she did great. No tears, nothing. I think Lady in the Tramp trumped any kind of discomfort she may have been feeling. Thank goodness.

So now we go back every month until March to receive that shot.

We are so proud of her for so many different reasons. Overall she has a zest for life that I have never witnessed in my life. She giggles, she coos so loud and we are so hoping we can get come words out of her at some point. If not, no worries, but Mark and I are both feeling like she is so stubborn that she may actually already now how to talk, but chooses not to, because she doesn’t need to. 🙂 Little stinker. AS I write this post, Mark and Getty are singing Christmas carols in the living room and she is carrying on along with him. Such a sweet sound.

Getty and I sleep in a queen bed together and I sweat she is on the verge of kicking me off. With all of the repositioning  Getty needs throughout the night, I have mistakenly moved her closer to me, and in turn has pushed me farther to the edge of the bed. I am certainly getting close.

Range of motion in her limbs has been about the same for some time. Still has strength in her wrists and fingers and in her legs. She is starting to move her head more. To ensure she can really test herself, we hold her head for her and she moves is back and forth. That is a terrific site. She is beginning to have more control of her tongue as well. It seemed to never move in and out, but I think we may have hit on something that entices that little tongue to come out. Lollipops

Somehow a strawberry Dumdum seems to do the trick. Who knew. 🙂

Next Monday Getty will be trialing a POWERCHAIR!!!!!!!! We will for sure be videoing it and sharing. I swear she is going to take off down the street. We may need a police blockade. 🙂

We are blessed, knock on wood, that Getty has remained healthy. We are doing the best we can, but we also know that even the best does not ensure success. There are many beautiful kiddos sick right now and if anyone can take a moment to send them good thoughts we would really appreciate it.

We will be sending out our annual Christmas card and since Mark and I are usually a mess, meaning it is hard to shower consistently, and please don’t get me started with my usual bed head, we rely on Getty to adorn our cards. So this year I relied on instagram to capture our little lady to wish everyone a wonderful holiday season and to hug and kiss everyone that is important in your life. And perhaps if you have more time in your day, you can find a way to make a difference in someone’s life you don’t know.

So here is our not so little owl. Boy, they sure do grow up fast, don’t they? Weighing at 29.11 lbs, and 38 inches and in just a few months a soon to be 3 year old, I give you Miss Getty Spaghetti. Happy Holidays.



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  • Morgan says:

    Thanking God for Mark’s attorney skills. I know it has made in a difference in little Owls fight. And I cant wait to see her in the power chair! I am glad you will be videoing it. Can’t wait to see you guys so soon. You have given me a wonderful Christmas this year. I love you guys. See you in a bit

  • Katie says:

    As always so freaking beautiful is that daughter of yours!!!! I can not believe how much she has grown. But than again I have an almost 3 year old to and he amazing me with how he is just a big boy now. Only time I see baby in him is when he is sleeping. That is what I see in her beautiful big girl.

  • JoEl says:

    What a wonderful site! Miss Getty is absolutely beautiful! My family wishes your family, a very blessed Holiday Season. Your family has the best gift of all!

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