It Is Easy To Be Grateful!
From Kate & Mark:
As Thanksgiving comes closer it is easy to reflect on the past year with a smile. I know the school of thought is that Thanksgiving Day is the appropriate time to give thanks. I also know that, in theory, we should always be giving thanks every day for all kinds of fortunes in our lives, to embrace what is good, embrace loved ones, and embrace the simple and complex feats of life. Although sometimes that easier said than done, one must push forward to find the good and not get trapped in the negative or sad.
Our year has been one of milestones, change, heartache, and celebration. As any other family, we are tested to understand what is most important. When life is most foggy, we have an anchor in this house that pulls us down to reality and forces us to find the good and grateful in ALL situations. Getty is and will always be our anchor.
It is easy to be grateful when we have the most incredible human being on the earth under this roof.
So here is a grateful list. I like lists and sometimes it is a nice way to visually gaze at how much we are grateful.
We are grateful for…
- Getty’s continued rockin’ health. Little missy will be 4 in March and I wish there was a way to accurately express how incredible that feels to us. We take every day with such gentle hands and pure diligence and perhaps, in turn, that is why she is doing so well. Aside from the SMA, let’s face it, Getty is as strong as an ox. She is also always wearing her superhero cape underneath her clothes on a daily basis. She is our daughter, she is amazing, and we are just so incredibly thankful for such a vibrant little lady.
- Grammy Nola for being so giving of herself and helping care for Getty. She is a Grammy, laundry goodness, and everything in between. Mom, not sure how we could be functioning without your care and love. Thank you so very much for loving Getty the way you do. You bring an additional dimension into Getty’s life that is so special. Getty loves her Grammy indeed. She is starting to give you some sass though. You might need to use some of the tactics you used on me when I gave you sass. 🙂 Thank you also to Papa Gary for helping get things done and your sense of humor.
- Grammy Evelyn and Grampa Evin for you endless love and support. Getty’s life and ours are certainly enriched by the wealth of goodness flowing from your kind and generous souls. Despite the miles, you are always near our hearts and warm our home and spirits.
- Miss Angie for being a trusted friend and well let’s be honest, my other half during the day. Angie you are always a step ahead of my sleepy and stressed out brain and often heavy heart. I can’t thank you enough. Your love and care for Getty is something I absolutely love. It is a joy to watch as well. She knows just how far to push you and then I think Getty has an internal talk with herself as if to say, “man, I can’t get away with anything, MISS ANGIE!” Your presence in the house is so very appreciated and we can’t thank you enough for being a part of the family.
- Our family that lives far away, all Getty’s aunts, uncles, and cousins. We know that you are always sending Getty good vibes and added love. We feel you and just wished we all lived closer so that you can physically see Getty grow leaps and bounds. Thank you for your love.
- Our friends who are supportive and have the ability to spring into action when needed. We know you all have busy lives and the just knowing you are there is very comforting. You’re life savers! Thank you.
- Getty’s three teachers who grace us with their presence each week. You bring Getty such joy. Getty is loving pre-school and it is the coolest thing to sit in the background and watch her interact with each of you. You all bring excitement and curiosity to our already precocious child. Getty is growing leaps and bounds intellectually and socially due to each of your instruction, whether that is singing songs, moving items, finding patterns, learning letters and words, etc. Getty soaks up every word and nugget of instruction.
- All the wonderful SMA families who offer knowledge, wisdom, support, humor, and vital documents to help us help Getty and justify, justify, justify.
- All the donors and supporters of Getty Owl Foundation. Without Team Getty, we wouldn’t be able to help so many SMA families or help find a cure for SMA.
- Dr. Mary Schroth & Dr. John Bach. Thank you for educating families and doctors all around the world on SMA care.
- All Getty’s specialists who have helped Getty become a happy and strong girl, particularly Dr. McDonald, Dr. Hahn, Dr. Perez, Dr. Givant, Dr. Tezcan, Dr. McMahon, Dr. Sifry-Platt, Dr. Wong, and OT Cynthia.
- All the researchers trying to treat and cure SMA, especially Dr. Brian Kaspar. We are grateful for your hard work and dedication.
From Kate: I thank Mark for being such an incredible daddy. Their very special “club” is actually pretty intimidating. When they are together, it is pretty clear that I best get out of the way, which I love. I instantly morph into chopped liver. Maybe other mothers can relate. 🙂 The sparkle in her eyes and her coos are beautiful to watch and listen to. I seriously believe they have a special language and perhaps talk in their own secret code.
From Mark: I thank Kate for being a wonderful mother to our little lady. I know Getty’s daily care is more than a handful, but you manage to get it all done for Getty. The fact that she is so strong, bright, and beautiful in the face of SMA is a testament to your loving work. Getty’s strength and smile is a reflection of your own. Also, GOF would not be where it is today without your hard work and dedication to the cause. Thank you.
To all who have helped support Getty, our family, our cause, and Getty Owl Foundation — from the bottoms of our hearts…
Reasons to be grateful
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