Take Advantage of Today, Prices go up Sunday!
From Kate: Oh boy are we getting closer! The last week before the run gets a little crazy, a good crazy. The house is layered in boxes of shirts, goody bags, giveaways, and logistical needs. Not too much space to walk around to get to one end to the other, but we make it work. I have found it helps you become very efficient. Instead of going to the kitchen several times a day, I go once and I get all I need for the morning, because I don’t know if I will be able to find the kitchen soon. 🙂 It is temporary, but also fun. One week away also means prices go up on registration. Today is the last day for pre-reg prices. Tomorrow they go up, so why not take care of it today and save a few bucks. 🙂 With one week away my eyes have also been glued to the weather channel app. The rains have been an awesome change in our area and really for California in general. However I can say that I am hoping Mother Nature will “chill” for a bit, so we can have a dry event. So far she is listening, thankfully. We go rain or shine, but sometimes things are just more fun in the “shine”. 🙂So here we go:
Tomorrow registration prices go up!
Register here today!
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