GETty Crafty Segment on Good Day Sacramento
From Mark:
Click here to see the GETty Crafty segment on Good Day Sacramento.
Thanks again to Stacey Ball and all the vendors, sponsors, contributors!
Special thanks to Becky Snow for setting this up and to Lisa Gonzales and everyone at Good Day!
Get your spoons out!!!
I have another exciting and easy event to tell you about! If you like frozen yogurt, then this is right up your alley. If you don’t like frozen yogurt…you can get a cup full of toppings!
Visit the Big Spoon Yogurt at 3644 J Street in Sacramento, CA on Thursday, October 21st between the hours of 2pm to 9pm and have a portion of your sale go directly to the Storm family! Between 30 and 40% will be donated based on the number of people who visit.
For this fundraiser you need to have your Big Spoon Yogurt Fundraiser Card in hand or the purchase will not count. Where can you get your hands on one of these gems? Emailing me staceyball@gmail.com of course! We will also have cards at GETty Crafty at Fremont Park so don’t forget to pick one up!!! It’s an easy and delicious way to show your support!
Thanks to the Sponsors!!!
by Stacey
I have to send a big shout out to all of our sponsors for the GETty Crafty event. Without you, this event would not have even got off the ground!
Thanks to Friends of Fremont Park for thinking that this would be a wonderful event to have in your park. I absolutely love working with your group!
Thanks to Hoppy Brewery. If it weren’t for you I’d be selling my soul to an insurance broker right now!
Thanks to Downtown Grid for the amazing donations and advertising opportunities!
Thanks to Yelp for the promotion, we are so happy that you found us and came on board to support!
Thanks to Big Spoon Yogurt for the great raffle donation and for opening your establishment for another fundraiser on Thursday, October 21st!
Thanks to Hale Photography for being not only the official photographer of Getty, but the official photographer of GETty Crafty at Fremont Park!
Thanks to the Honey Agency for your design talents. Without you our event would not look as beautiful!
Finally, a shout out to Alfredo Matta for your amazing Getty owl drawing. If you have tattoos and Alfredo is not your artist, well you should think twice about that.
Also thank you to Lisa Gonzales of Good Day Sacramento who opened her heart and let us in. We will try not to be camera-shy!
The event is now just around the corner. I am more excited than Christmas Morning, I am counting down harder than a New Years Rockin Eve. Can’t wait to see everyone out there.
Get Your Tickets!!!!
by: Stacey
I’m super excited to announce some of the items that we will be raffling off on Saturday!! The donations have been AMAZING and I know everyone is not going to want to miss out. So, without further ado…here is a sampling of the items to be raffled off:
We have shirts, totes, jewelry, art, quilts, postcards, cupcakes, hats and more! In addition to the items picture above we have a $50 party pack from Big Spoon Yogurt, $150 in River City Brewing certificates, Dainty Little Sessions with Morgan, $120 in hair product and $200 in service certificates, $150 Eleakis and Elder Photography, $25 Zuda Yoga, $50 Styleyes, $50 Luxe Salon, $20 Byuti Salon, $25 Fringe, $25 Koukla Kids, $25 Tapa the World, $20 Pulp Papery and $25 Ju Hachi Japanese. More items are coming in daily and we have prizes valued over $300!!!
The best part…you don’t have to be present to win or even live in the area. Everyone is open to entering the raffle. Raffle tickets are $5 for 8. You can buy them the day of the show or you can buy them by contacting me at staceyball@gmail.com. Raffle will take place on Saturday after the GETty Crafty event!
Thanks again to everyone for their generous donations! Get your raffle tickets now!!
Fall is in the air!
From Kate:
There is one week left before GETty Crafty at Fremont Park. We are all so very excited for the event. I seriously don’t know how she does it, but Stacey I can’t seem to do anything but thank you so very much. You have a true talent for coordinating on a time line. This is your calling and seriously someone needs to hire you or perhaps you should do this on your own. You seem to get everything done with ease, and it has been a joy to help how I could.
Fall is clearly in the air. I got a chance to walk around downtown to hand out posters for the event and I can’t tell you how wonderful it felt to be outside in the air. Meeting people, telling them Getty’s story, and a leaving a poster or two was very rewarding. And as I had suspected, no one I spoke to had ever heard of SMA. Most were surprised that it even existed and a lot of them were floored when they heard that SMA was the #1 genetic killer of infants. Boy if I had a $1 for ever time a person’s jaw hit the floor, well I would have more money. No clue, never heard, exceptionally sorry for Getty was the general feeling. For me it felt good to spread the word, maybe those people will tell others about SMA. I can only hope.
My birthday is in the fall and I remember as a kid when the weather would change, I would grow more and more excited. As an adult that same feeling certainly has not wavered. With every leaf that falls, with every pumpkin patch that opens, and with every change in the weather it certainly tells me that celebration is just around the corner. I share my birthday month with my brother, my mother, and Mark and our wedding anniversary are all in the month of October. My favorite time of the year because we all get to be together and enjoy each others company. In the past I think I would have had a laundry list of birthday wishes, but as year’s go on, you tend to minimize with the most important needs.
So this year I have a few, in no particular order:
I wish that our Miss Getty remains strong in health.
I wish that Getty’s doctors will come to a consensus and embrace best practices.
I wish for all of our SMA families to continue fighting the good fight.
I wish for comfort for our friends in NZ. We think about Holly every day.
I wish for everyone to realize that family is first.
I wish for a gorgeous day next Saturday so everyone can enjoy time together and shop till they drop. 🙂
Last night we went to Home Depot to get a few PVC pipes. We made a bridge that Getty can lay underneath and hung toys that she can grab. I wasn’t sure if she was going to like it, but the second I attached a few rings on it, she grabbed immediately onto them. She squealed and talked the whole time she played. Wow, well I think we have something. So her grammy made all kinds of things to hang on it. Bells and feathers are now new additions that Getty just loves. Thank you Mom, this is such good physical therapy for Getty.