Halloween Costume Results!
From Kate:
I want to thank everyone for submitting pictures. I was asking for the most creative and I was seriously blown away by all the outstanding costumes. I asked the help of our entire GOF board as well as a few of our wonderful volunteers to vote their top three. Well as luck would have it we had some ties that needed to be broken, so we left that huge decision up to the lady in charge around here, Getty. I made a few paper squares and I put her arm in one of the supportive arm slings. The one she chose firstΒ became the winner of the contest and then so on.
We would like to congratulate all of you little sweet peas for participating. It is obvious that your parents are just over the moon about you, MJ the world loves you and all of your costumes were awesome.
So here we go!
Congratulations Mr. Gavin, you are the winner of the Halloween Costume Contest. Miss Ella you have won 2nd place. And Mr. Roman you have won 3rd place.
Here are their costumes.
Here is a collage of all the kids that participated and one dog named Chance. π
Update: We had minor tech glitch, so here are two more. Sorry it is not proportional to the others. I am still trying to figure out the photo program Picnik. π
We hope you all had a great Halloween. Miss Getty did as well. I did try to refrain from buying another owl outfit this year, but I couldn’t resist when I saw this one. So next year, I will just let her decide what she wants to be. π
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If she had a top hat, monocle & cigarette holder (I know, I know- just not the cigarette!), that could be a costume of The Penquin!
Oh, not a bad idea. If the costume wasn’t so small, I might have been able to get some more wear out of it. π
FANTASTIC costomes everyone out did them selves…
CONGRATULATE the winners.
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