3rd Annual Halloween Costume Contest
From Kate:
It is that time again folks. Halloween is on its way and we are jazzed to see all of the fun costumes this year. Check out this link: Halloween Costume Contest for all of the details.
The last two years have been “off the hook”. This year we are changing the voting a bit. You get to choose the costumes that take the “cake” or rather “pumpkin”. đŸ™‚
We are already starting to get some pictures in and they are so creative. Click the link above to check out ALL of the details.
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3 yrs & 7 mos! We heard form grandma Nola that your trip to a farm was exceptional. We hope to see pictures of you when the horse took the apple from your hand. You are quite the little pre-school student now. We are so proud of you and your mommy & daddy. Happy birthday kate & nola. Much love precious owlet, HOOT, HOOT!