May you live everyday of your life!
It is with a heavy heart that I write tonight. Mark received the phone call today that we knew was coming but dreaded to get. Our neurologist called with the blood work results. Our little Getty has SMA. This week we have been gearing up for that call and we really thought we were prepared, as much as we could. And still our hearts were very sad and felt like life had dealt our little girl an unfortunate hand.
Getty’s diagnosis has changed our lives forever. We will never be able to go back to what once was. But now after reflecting on how far we have come as a family I am proud of our little girl. She is only 4 months old and she has done more in her life so far than a lot of people will do in a lifetime. She has brought her mommy and daddy closer together, she has unified her extended family to fight for her, she has convinced even the most stubborn to live in the moment and she has singlehandedly touched people who have never met her to want to be better people. I am so proud of you little owl.
I came across this quote and I thought it would be worth sharing. “May you live everyday of your life”
Just Another Day
From Kate:
Today seemed like any other day, normal was nice for a change. Mark worked in the office all day. I know that it isn’t business as usual but he put on a brave face to help his clients. I commend him for devoting the day to helping provide for us. That can’t be easy right now. Thank you honey, it means more than you know.
Getty and I hung out. We ate, played with her new toys, took a few baths, and then a long walk tonight with her buddy Cooper. I noticed as we walked she took great joy in watching each tree during our route. She seemed to mumble a little while we passed each tree. It sounded so cute, I wonder what she was talking about.
Now as we wind down to bed, Mark is playing airplane with her paci. She is giggling and joining in with the game. Such a sweet sight. She adores her daddy, and he to her. What a special relationship.
Slowing Down
From Kate:
It is amazing what you recognize in life when you slow your life completely down. Mark and I both have careers that have the ability to drain you mentally and physically. We find them to be extremely rewarding, but now being home with Getty I am recognizing that perhaps my career has had the potential to keep me from really getting to know my child. All of Getty’s little nuances seem to be so apparent when I don’t have the stresses of work weighing on my shoulders.
She smiles for all different reasons. She smiles when she wakes up from a nap. I think she is just so excited to start a new day. She smiles before and after she eats. We excercise her legs and arms to get circulation and she is beaming from ear to ear. And most heart warming is when she notices you in the room and she gives you a coy smile just to let you know that she sees you.
Caring for Getty has become a family affair and we are so fortunate to have my mom and dad here to give her all kinds of love.
So here we are at the end of the day, sitting on the couch as a family watching the Cowboys play. We just ate dinner, we are here as a family and life is good.
If I have learned anything in this past week since we found out about Getty’s diagnosis it would be to “slow the heck down.” The old saying life is short, literally takes on a new meaning for my family and we are so fortunate and honored to be able to have Getty in our lives. She is unconditional, gracious, and just one cool little girl. Mark and I have already learned so much from her… More than any career could have offered.
Jeff and Nicole came over last night for dinner, leaving us with enough lasagna to get us through Christmas. Thank you for your love and support!
I went out and got Ms. Getty some helium balloons today. We tied 5 balloons to her wrist and she had a great time moving them around, smiling, and staring at them for a few hours.
From Kate:
I think we have a little model on our hands. This morning we took lots of family pictures at the park. Morgan from Hale Photography took some incredible pictures of our family. I cannot wait to see how they turn out. Miss Getty sure knows how to “ham” it up. When we receive them I will add a few to the website. We made another appointment for mid September, so I am already looking forward to that.
I put Getty down for a nap in her crib. Our usual ritual is to turn her mobile on for a few minutes. The animals seem to be her little rainforest friends. There is a monkey, frog, and a parrot that circulate around her head. She loves to talk to them. Sometimes she gets a little bossy and seems to yell at them. It is so cute to hear. I wonder where she gets that from.
I peaked in on her just to see if she was sleeping and she was wide awake and smiling. What a sweetheart. We locked eyes for a little and then her eyelids grew very heavy. Goodnight sweet owl.