Getty Owl Sacramento Radio Interview This Weekend
From Mark:
You may recall voting for Getty in the Baby Idol contest for Sacramento radio 107.9 The End. You may also recall, Getty won that contest thanks to all your support! What a splendid Valentine surprise that was!
We didn’t think we could be happier about it . . . but we can! π
You see, 107.9 The End is actually part of Entercom Sacramento. After Getty won Baby Idol 2010, Program Director Dayne Damme learned of Getty’s story. He was moved by Getty and generously offered to put us in touch with Kat Maudru, radio host extraordinaire, News Director at 96.9 The Eagle, andΒ Public Affairs Director at Entercom.
We touched base with Kat and she invited us to talk about SMA, raise awareness, and talk about Getty Owl Foundation on air. When I showed up at the station, I had no idea it was going to be a 22 minute interview. I thought it might be a segment or something like that, so I was a little nervous about explaining SMA for 22 minutes.
Kat is very easy going, warm, and kind. She put me at ease instantly with her smooth radio voice.
We walked straight from the front door, into the studio, and she fired up the mics. Talking about SMA for 22 minutes was a lot easier than I thought it would be. I found myself holding back many things I could have said for the sake of moving the interview along and making sure we touched all the bases. I guess I could talk about SMA for hours if someone was willing to listen. π
Speaking of listening, just click the links below and you can hear the interview online and/or on radio at these times and places:
ESPN (1320 AM): 6:00 a.m. to 6:30 a.m.
KDDO (The New 94.7): 6:30 a.m. to 7:00 a.m.
KBZC (106.5 The Buzz): 6:00 a.m. to 6:30 a.m.
KSEG (96.9 The Eagle): 6:30 a.m. to 7:00 a.m.
KDND (107.9 The End): 7:30 a.m. to 8:00 a.m.
HUGE THANK YOUΒ to Entercom, Kat Maudru, Dayne Damme, and the Wake Up Call at 107.9. We are so excited and grateful you gave us the opportunity to raise SMA awareness on air to reach a wider audience. You are now full fledged Team Getty members!
Fog Willow Pumpkin Farm
From Kate:
We went to Fog Willow Pumpkin Farm in Wilton today. Getty had a great time. Highlights of the day was to feed the goats, watched a horse escape, and Mark got to eat some beloved chocolate fudge. This is a bittersweet trip for us, probably the last one for us before we are in for the winter.
An Absolutely Perfect Saturday!
From Kate:
It is easy to feel isolated with SMA. We don’t have SMA families as neighbors. You can’t just go somewhere to be surrounded by SMA families who offer their comfort and support. Most days are just so draining and overwhelming, there is little time or energy for outreach. Yes, SMA affects 1 in 6,000 children, but reaching out to and being with those families is very difficult.
SMA is different for all children. Obviously there are constants, but it still is the type of disease that is not cookie cutter. It affects families differently. SMA has a wide spectrum: we have met families who have lost their children very early, those who are transitioning their teenager into college, adults with SMA, and everywhere in between.
Most correspondence is through Facebook or SMASpace. Both places give us a way to meet the greater community, lend support, and exchange ideas on best practices. Virtual connection is fairly easy, but physical connection, which is very important, is very difficult.
We have been trying to plan a time to get together with a fellow SMA family not too far from us. Since a winter meet up season is likely out of the question, finding the best time to see each other while we are all planning our own family trips makes for difficult planning. Other potential set backs, like a high heart rate, low oxygen saturation, or just anything being not quite right, cancels the whole idea of meeting up.Β To find a day to meet up, the conditions need to be just right. Yesterday was that day.
Getty had not seen Aaron and his parents for an entire year. In the van, we were reflecting on a year ago and we were just in awe of how things have changed. Not in a sad way, just taking inventory of what has changed.
I gasped at the thought that we had no suction machine a year ago.Β The thought of not having that by our side 24/7 now … my goodness! Pretty much every other machine that helps Getty breathe, eat, and thrive was not a part of the equation a year ago. I remember very clearly being scared out of mind a year ago today. That is putting it lightly. I was terrified and grieving like I never knew a human being could grieve. I can see that so clearly, and in hindsight, wow that was horrific. A year ago, I was convinced that Getty wasn’t going to be with us very much longer — that was until we physically met the Phelps Family.
Just like the first day we met, we pulled into their driveway. I felt like I was home. The moment we met all three of them, I knew we were going to be okay. I knew Getty was going to be okay. I knew that our journey would be a long one, with Getty by our side. Meeting Aaron convinced me that Getty was going to be just fine. He is such a beautiful boy who is wise beyond his years and cared for by such diligent and thoughtful parents. He is such an intelligent kiddo who is also very silly, expressive, and dare I say, a flirt. π
This Saturday would be extra special.Β Miss Hayden and her parents were coming up from Madera to visit. What an absolute treat to have three SMA families all in the same house.
For lots of reasons, it is very difficult for us to have Getty around other kids. We were so excited for Getty to be have the opportunity to hang out with her peeps. Introductions began and Getty got to see Aaron after a full year. He is such a gentleman, and Getty is now such a little lady. My how much a year changes! They aren’t babies anymore.
Getty also got to meet Hayden. It was so breathtaking to watch Getty’s expressions. It was a lot to take in. She usually only sees Mark, Grammy, Miss Angie, and me on a regular basis. Now she is surrounded by so many new faces, but she took it in stride.
She really enjoyed spending time with Hayden and Aaron. Getty was so chatty and in good spirits while they hung out. I wish I knew what she was saying. I know she was happy, so maybe she was just making chit chat. Maybe she was telling the kids how hovering I am with her. π Yep guilty.
There is an unspeakable comfort when we spend any time with another SMA family. I wish I could explain what it is like. It is a comfort, it is an understanding, it is a common respect for each other and our kids, it is an immediate admiration for one another. It is almost like we are soldiers, fighting the same battle, when we get a day of leave to meet up and rejoice in the moment.
The weather was perfect, the atmosphere was perfect, the company was perfect, and memories were made, which makes for an absolutely perfect Saturday. Thank you Phelps Family for your wonderful hospitality and thanks to the gracious Calafiore Family for stopping in while on your big weekend trip. We are so inspired by all of you.
A Little Bit of Housekeeping
From Kate:
The outpouring of support of the Getty Owl Foundation website has been so incredible. Thanks to everyone who gave us a virtual high five in the past few weeks. But too be honest, change is not easy. We knew going forward and creating our foundation website was the next step, the right step. But even we were a bit nervous with this change.
In the days following the changeover, when I would write a post, It didn’t feel like home. I missed the old blog, to be honest. But I know that will come with time.
One thing that I was hoping was not going to change was the fact that everyone that had once subscribed to our blog in the past with our .com address no longer has their subscription still. All I can say is I am sorry. We were really hoping to make a smooth transition from .com to .org but it didn’t work. π
So having said that, if you would like to subscribe, which we would love to have you come aboard once again. We will NOT be changing the web address EVER again. So you can have comfort that your subscription will be fine from here on out. And now that I think about it, this all sounds familiar, like I had proclaimed this before. Well this time it will work. π
If you go to the bottom right side of our website there is a heading called: Getty Owl Subscription, it asks for your email address and then you are automatically a subscriber.
Thank you for reading, thank you for participating, and our hope from the moment we started this blog was to help educate the public about SMA and to introduce you to the love of our life, Miss Getty. And our journey continues………………….
The Wonky Donkey
From Kate:
We have some very special friends in New Zealand. We met them around this time last year. We are both families affected by SMA. Obviously not the way we wanted to meet, but it is what it is and we are better people for it. Getty and Holly were fast friends. π Getty received a very sweet gift from our Kiwi friends a while back. The book is called, The Wonky Donkey. It is a very cute story about a Donkey. The story also has a song version of it as well.
When we received the gift back in the winter we read it to Getty and her response was confusion. She really wasn’t interested to be honest. We had heard how much Holly liked it and we thought, well of course Getty will as well.Β Um…….nope!
During book time every night I would sneak it in and still she would not be interested. What was it about this donkey? Then we played the song. It became very clear to us that it was us, we were the one’s boring her to new heights. It was our tone and the way we didn’t make it rhyme that made her disinterested. Oops! π
The first time we played the song she was hooked. We could tell Getty loved how he sang very fast and upbeat. There are sounds of a donkey that makes her giggle and her eyes just twinkle. It just melts our hearts to see that twinkle.
So we decided to video Getty and daddy playing and singing while listening to the Wonky Donkey song. I’ll just say this, Getty knows exactly when the song will be over. Yep, that is all I am going to say. π